Hartmut Schächinger
Hartmut Schächinger
Professor für Klinische Psychophysiologie
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na uni-trier.de
Calcitonin precursors are reliable markers of sepsis in a medical intensive care unit
B Müller, KL Becker, H Schächinger, PR Rickenbacher, PR Huber, ...
Critical care medicine 28 (4), 977-983, 2000
Post-learning intranasal oxytocin modulates human memory for facial identity
E Savaskan, R Ehrhardt, A Schulz, M Walter, H Schächinger
Psychoneuroendocrinology 33 (3), 368-374, 2008
The relation of flow-experience and physiological arousal under stress—can u shape it?
C Peifer, A Schulz, H Schächinger, N Baumann, CH Antoni
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 53, 62-69, 2014
Reduced parasympathetic cardiac control in patients with hypertension at rest and under mental stress
W Langewitz, H Rüddel, H Schächinger
American heart journal 127 (1), 122-128, 1994
Relevance of stress and female sex hormones for emotion and cognition
JP Ter Horst, ER de Kloet, H Schächinger, MS Oitzl
Cellular and molecular neurobiology 32, 725-735, 2012
Corticosteroids operate as a switch between memory systems
L Schwabe, H Schächinger, ER de Kloet, MS Oitzl
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 22 (7), 1362-1372, 2010
Chronic stress modulates the use of spatial and stimulus-response learning strategies in mice and man
L Schwabe, S Dalm, H Schächinger, MS Oitzl
Neurobiology of learning and memory 90 (3), 495-503, 2008
Stability of heart rate variability indices reflecting parasympathetic activity
K Bertsch, D Hagemann, E Naumann, H Schaechinger, A Schulz
Psychophysiology 49 (5), 672-682, 2012
Rising sound intensity: an intrinsic warning cue activating the amygdala
DR Bach, H Schächinger, JG Neuhoff, F Esposito, FD Salle, C Lehmann, ...
Cerebral Cortex 18 (1), 145-150, 2008
Neural processing of auditory looming in the human brain
E Seifritz, JG Neuhoff, D Bilecen, K Scheffler, H Mustovic, H Schächinger, ...
Current Biology 12 (24), 2147-2151, 2002
Cardiovascular indices of peripheral and central sympathetic activation
H Schächinger, M Weinbacher, A Kiss, R Ritz, W Langewitz
Psychosomatic medicine 63 (5), 788-796, 2001
Diabetes and driving mishaps: frequency and correlations from a multinational survey
DJ Cox, JK Penberthy, J Zrebiec, K Weinger, JE Aikens, B Frier, B Stetson, ...
Diabetes care 26 (8), 2329-2334, 2003
Disordered calcium homeostasis of sepsis: association with calcitonin precursors
Müller, Kränzlin, Schächinger, Huber, Nylèn, Snider, Zimmerli, Ritz
European journal of clinical investigation 30 (9), 823-831, 2000
Making sense of what you sense: Disentangling interoceptive awareness, sensibility and accuracy
T Forkmann, A Scherer, J Meessen, M Michal, H Schächinger, C Vögele, ...
International Journal of Psychophysiology 109, 71-80, 2016
For whom the bell (curve) tolls: Cortisol rapidly affects memory retrieval by an inverted U-shaped dose–response relationship
TM Schilling, M Kölsch, MF Larra, CM Zech, TD Blumenthal, C Frings, ...
Psychoneuroendocrinology 38 (9), 1565-1572, 2013
Ten years of research with the Socially Evaluated Cold Pressor Test: Data from the past and guidelines for the future
L Schwabe, H Schächinger
Psychoneuroendocrinology 92, 155-161, 2018
Parental divorce is associated with an increased risk to develop mental disorders in women
VK Schaan, A Schulz, H Schächinger, C Vögele
Journal of affective disorders 257, 91-99, 2019
Cold pressor stress induces opposite effects on cardioceptive accuracy dependent on assessment paradigm
A Schulz, J Lass-Hennemann, S Sütterlin, H Schächinger, C Vögele
Biological psychology 93 (1), 167-174, 2013
Testing the cumulative stress and mismatch hypotheses of psychopathology in a rat model of early-life adversity
NP Daskalakis, MS Oitzl, H Schächinger, DL Champagne, ER de Kloet
Physiology & behavior 106 (5), 707-721, 2012
Altered patterns of heartbeat-evoked potentials in depersonalization/derealization disorder: neurophysiological evidence for impaired cortical representation of bodily signals
A Schulz, S Köster, ME Beutel, H Schächinger, C Vögele, S Rost, M Rauh, ...
Psychosomatic medicine 77 (5), 506-516, 2015
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