Članki z zahtevami za javni dostop - Christian BarryVeč o tem
Ni na voljo nikjer: 4
Responsibility for structural injustice: A third thought
RE Goodin, C Barry
Politics, Philosophy & Economics 20 (4), 339-356, 2021
Zahteve: Australian Research Council
On the rights of temporary migrants
C Barry, L Ferracioli
The Journal of Legal Studies 47 (S1), S149-S168, 2018
Zahteve: Australian Research Council, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Supererogation and optimisation
C Barry, S Lazar
Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102 (1), 21-36, 2024
Zahteve: Australian Research Council
Another Shake of the Bag: Stefansson and Willners on Offsetting and Risk Imposition
C Barry, G Cullity
Ethics, Policy & Environment, 1-6, 2023
Zahteve: Australian Research Council
Na voljo nekje: 18
On the concept of climate debt: its moral and political value
J Pickering, C Barry
Global political justice, 147-165, 2017
Zahteve: Australian Research Council
Benefiting from the Wrongdoing of Others
RE Goodin, C Barry
Journal of Applied Philosophy 31 (4), 363-376, 2014
Zahteve: Australian Research Council, Research Council of Norway
How much for the child?
C Barry, G Øverland
Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16, 189-204, 2013
Zahteve: Australian Research Council
Moral uncertainty and permissibility: evaluating option sets
C Barry, P Tomlin
Canadian Journal of Philosophy 46 (6), 898-923, 2016
Zahteve: Australian Research Council, UK Arts & Humanities Research Council, Research …
Can withdrawing citizenship be justified?
C Barry, L Ferracioli
Political Studies 64 (4), 1055-1070, 2016
Zahteve: Australian Research Council, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific …
Offsetting and risk imposition
C Barry, G Cullity
Ethics 132 (2), 352-381, 2022
Zahteve: Australian Research Council
The Implications of Failing to Assist
C Barry, G Øverland
Social Theory and Practice, 570-590, 2014
Zahteve: Australian Research Council, Research Council of Norway
Immigration and global justice
C Barry
Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 4, 2011
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
Do we impose undue risk when we emit and offset? A reply to Stefansson
C Barry, G Cullity
Ethics, Policy & Environment 25 (3), 242-248, 2022
Zahteve: Australian Research Council
A puzzle of enforceability: why do moral duties differ in their enforceability?
C Barry, E McTernan
Journal of moral philosophy 19 (3), 229-253, 2021
Zahteve: Australian Research Council
Harm, responsibility, and enforceability
C Barry
Ethics & Global Politics 12 (1), 76-97, 2019
Zahteve: Australian Research Council, Research Council of Norway
Material contribution, responsibility, and liability
C Barry
journal of moral philosophy 15 (6), 637-650, 2018
Zahteve: Australian Research Council
¿ A quién le pertenece? Tres argumentos para el reclamo de tierras en América Latina
C Barry, G Øverland
Revista de ciencia política (Santiago) 37 (3), 713-736, 2017
Zahteve: Australian Research Council, Research Council of Norway
International Political Theory Meets International Public Policy
C Barry
Zahteve: Australian Research Council
Who owns it? Three arguments for land claims in Latin America
C Barry, G Øverland
Revista de Ciencia Política 37 (3), 713-735, 2017
Zahteve: Australian Research Council, Research Council of Norway
Which emissions belong to us? The case for contributory value-chain emissions accounting
C Barry, G Cullity
Politics, Philosophy & Economics, 1470594X241312425, 2024
Zahteve: Australian Research Council
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