Timberly L. Baker, PhD
Parsing disciplinary disproportionality: Contributions of infraction, student, and school characteristics to out-of-school suspension and expulsion
RJ Skiba, CG Chung, M Trachok, TL Baker, A Sheya, RL Hughes
American educational research journal 51 (4), 640-670, 2014
Identifying barriers: Creating solutions to improve family engagement.
TL Baker, J Wise, G Kelley, RJ Skiba
School Community Journal 26 (2), 161-184, 2016
Where should we intervene
RJ Skiba, CG Chung, M Trachok, T Baker, A Sheya, R Hughes
Closing the school discipline gap: Equitable remedies for excessive …, 2014
Reframing the connections between deficit thinking, microaggressions, and teacher perceptions of defiance
TL Baker
The Journal of Negro Education 88 (2), 103-113, 2019
Reforming school discipline and reducing disproportionality in suspension and expulsion
RJ Skiba, LA Shure, LV Middelberg, TL Baker
Handbook of school violence and school safety, 515-528, 2012
Parsing disciplinary disproportionality: Contributions of behavior, student, and school characteristics to suspension and expulsion
RJ Skiba, M Trachok, CG Chung, T Baker, R Hughes
Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver …, 2012
Continued disparate discipline: Theorizing state takeover districts’ impact on the continued oppression of Black girls
SL Nelson, ML Ridgeway, TL Baker, CD Green, T Campbell
Urban Education 57 (7), 1230-1258, 2022
Whiteness owns it, Blackness defines it: Rural reality in the Black Belt
A Swain, TL Baker
Theory & Practice in Rural Education 11 (2), 15-27, 2021
Where should we intervene? How infractions, students, and schools all contribute to out-of-school suspension
RJ Skiba, CG Chung, M Trachok, T Baker, A Sheya, RL Hughes
Closing the school discipline gap: Research for policymakers, 132-146, 2015
Student and school characteristics: Factors contributing to African American overrepresentation for defiance
TL Baker
Indiana University, 2012
A systematic review of research on race in rural educational scholarship since 2001
TL Baker, J Howard, A Swain
The Rural Educator 44 (2), 56-68, 2023
Counter-movements to trouble Whiteness in teacher education at a PWI: A pedagogical approach
T Baker, J Howard
Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education 20 (1), 9, 2021
Centering the Lived Experiences of Rural Black Homeschool Families.
C Fields-Smith, TL Baker
Thresholds in Education 46 (3), 399-419, 2023
Activating activism within the EdD: Connecting DiP Research and the community
J Howard, TL Baker
Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice 6 (1), 37-44, 2021
Education Law and Policy at the Margins: Critical Analyses of the Intersection of Race, Religion, Gender & Class in Education (An Introduction)
TL Baker, SL Nelson
U. Md. LJ Race, Religion, Gender & Class 19, 1, 2019
Socio-historical and contemporary context of black home education within the black belt of the American south
T Baker
Journal of School Choice 18 (4), 554-571, 2024
Black Life Is Not Ungeographic! Applying a Black Geographic Lens to Rural Education Research in the Black Belt.
J Howard, T Baker
Journal of Research in Rural Education 40 (3), 2024
Surviving and thriving in the academy: University support of women of color
TL Baker, S Gupta, P Hewavitharanage, VC Huggins, S Hughes, P Wells
Journal of Colorism Studies 4 (1), 0_1-16, 2022
“Parents need to know their rights”: Parents of black students respond to the school-prison nexus
TL Baker, J Howard
Critical Analysis of Parental Involvement in School, 92-108, 2024
Learning in the Black Belt: Examining Southern Rurality through Black Geographies.
J Howard, TL Baker
AERA Online Paper Repository, 2023
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