Seth Aubin
Rapid sympathetic cooling to Fermi degeneracy on a chip
S Aubin, S Myrskog, MHT Extavour, LJ LeBlanc, D McKay, A Stummer, ...
Nature Physics 2 (6), 384-387, 2006
High efficiency magneto-optical trap for unstable isotopes
S Aubin, E Gomez, LA Orozco, GD Sprouse
Review of Scientific Instruments 74 (10), 4342-4351, 2003
Measurement method for the nuclear anapole moment of laser-trapped alkali-metal atoms
E Gomez, S Aubin, GD Sprouse, LA Orozco, DP DeMille
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (3), 033418, 2007
Trapping Fermionic 40K and Bosonic 87Rb on a Chip
S Aubin, MHT Extavour, S Myrskog, LJ LeBlanc, J Esteve, S Singh, ...
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 140, 377-396, 2005
A single hollow-beam optical trap for cold atoms
S Kulin, S Aubin, S Christe, B Peker, SL Rolston, LA Orozco
Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 3 (6), 353, 2001
Lifetime and hyperfine splitting measurements on the 7s and 6p levels in rubidium
E Gomez, S Aubin, LA Orozco, GD Sprouse
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 21 (11), 2058-2067, 2004
Nuclear Magnetic Moment of : A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Approach
E Gomez, S Aubin, LA Orozco, GD Sprouse, E Iskrenova-Tchoukova, ...
Physical review letters 100 (17), 172502, 2008
Dual‐Species Quantum Degeneracy of 40K and 87Rb on an Atom Chip
MHT Extavour, LJ LeBlanc, T Schumm, B Cieslak, S Myrskog, A Stummer, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 869 (1), 241-249, 2006
Hyperfine anomalies in Fr: boundaries of the spherical single particle model
J Zhang, M Tandecki, R Collister, S Aubin, JA Behr, E Gomez, G Gwinner, ...
Physical review letters 115 (4), 042501, 2015
Quantum pumping with ultracold atoms on microchips: Fermions versus bosons
KK Das, S Aubin
Physical review letters 103 (12), 123007, 2009
Fundamental symmetries studies with cold trapped francium atoms at ISAC
G Gwinner, E Gomez, LA Orozco, A Perez Galvan, D Sheng, Y Zhao, ...
Hyperfine Interactions 172, 45-51, 2006
Atomic parity non-conservation: the francium anapole project of the FrPNC collaboration at TRIUMF
S Aubin, JA Behr, R Collister, VV Flambaum, E Gomez, G Gwinner, ...
Hyperfine Interactions 214, 163-171, 2013
Note: Fast, small, and low vibration mechanical laser shutters
S Martínez, L Hernández, D Reyes, E Gomez, M Ivory, C Davison, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 82 (4), 2011
Isotope shifts in the transition of francium: Measurements and comparison to ab initio theory
MR Kalita, JA Behr, A Gorelov, MR Pearson, AC DeHart, G Gwinner, ...
Physical Review A 97 (4), 042507, 2018
Lifetimes of the and levels of atomic francium
S Aubin, E Gomez, LA Orozco, GD Sprouse
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 70 (4), 042504, 2004
Commissioning of the francium trapping facility at TRIUMF
M Tandecki, J Zhang, R Collister, S Aubin, JA Behr, E Gomez, G Gwinner, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 8 (12), P12006, 2013
Isotope shifts in francium isotopes and
R Collister, G Gwinner, M Tandecki, JA Behr, MR Pearson, J Zhang, ...
Physical Review A 90 (5), 052502, 2014
Atom chip apparatus for experiments with ultracold rubidium and potassium gases
MK Ivory, AR Ziltz, CT Fancher, AJ Pyle, A Sensharma, B Chase, JP Field, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 (4), 2014
Microwave ac Zeeman force for ultracold atoms
CT Fancher, AJ Pyle, AP Rotunno, S Aubin
Physical Review A 97 (4), 043430, 2018
Scattering by an oscillating barrier: Quantum, classical, and semiclassical comparison
TA Byrd, MK Ivory, AJ Pyle, S Aubin, KA Mitchell, JB Delos, KK Das
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (1), 013622, 2012
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