Chooi Ling GOH
Chooi Ling GOH
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na kitakyu-u.ac.jp
Chinese unknown word identification using character-based tagging and chunking
CL Goh, M Asahara, Y Matsumoto
The Companion Volume to the Proceedings of 41st Annual Meeting of the …, 2003
Chinese word segmentation by classification of characters
CL Goh, M Asahara, Y Matsumoto
Proceedings of the Third SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing, 57-64, 2004
Combination of machine learning methods for optimum chinese word segmentation
M Asahara, K Fukuoka, A Azuma, CL Goh, Y Watanabe, Y Matsumoto, ...
Proceedings of the fourth SIGHAN workshop on Chinese language processing, 2005
Combining segmenter and chunker for Chinese word segmentation
M Asahara, CL Goh, X Wang, Y Matsumoto
Proceedings of the Second SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing …, 2003
Building a Japanese-Chinese dictionary using kanji/hanzi conversion
CL Goh, M Asahara, Y Matsumoto
Natural Language Processing–IJCNLP 2005: Second International Joint …, 2005
Machine learning-based methods to Chinese unknown word detection and POS tag guessing
浅原正幸, 松本裕治
Journal of Chinese Language and Computing Vol. 16, No. 4, 185-206, 2006
Splitting long input sentences for phrase-based statistical machine translation
CL Goh, E Sumita
Proceedings of the 17th annual meeting of the association for natural …, 2011
Training multi-classifiers for Chinese unknown word detection
CL Goh, M Asahara, Y Matsumoto
Journal of Chinese Language and Computing 15 (1), 1-12, 2005
The NICT translation system for IWSLT 2010
CL Goh, T Watanabe, M Paul, A Finch, E Sumita
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation …, 2010
Towards automatic acquisition of linguistic features
Y Lepage, C Goh
Proceedings of the 17th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics …, 2009
Rule-based reordering constraints for phrase-based SMT
CL Goh, T Onishi, E Sumita
Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the European Association for …, 2011
Pruning false unknown words to improve chinese word segmentation
CL Goh, M Asahara, Y Matsumoto
Proceedings of the 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and …, 2004
Unknown word identification for Chinese morphological analysis
CL Goh
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, 2006
Chinese unknown word identification based on morphological analysis and chunking
CL Goh, M Asahara, Y Matsumoto
The Companion Volume to the Proceedings of 41st Annual Meeting of the …, 2003
Discriminative reranking for smt using various global features
CL Goh, T Watanabe, A Finch, E Sumita
2010 4th International Universal Communication Symposium, 8-14, 2010
Extraction of lexical bundles used in natural language processing articles
CL Goh, Y Lepage
2019 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and information …, 2019
A Feature-rich Supervised Word Alignment Model for Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation.
CL Goh, E Sumita
Int. J. Asian Lang. Process. 19 (3), 109-126, 2009
A guideline for Chinese-English word alignment
H Zhao
J. Chinese Information Processing 23 (3), 65-87, 2009
The construction of a dictionary for a two-layer chinese morphological analyzer
M Asahara, Y Matsumoto, CL Goh, J Lu, Y Cheng
The 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation …, 2006
Chinese unknown word identification by combining statistical models
CL Goh
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, 2003
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