Vlad Manea
Vlad Manea
Chief technology officer at Medflow | PhD from the University of Copenhagen
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Augmented reality
A Arusoaie, AI Cristei, C Chircu, MA Livadariu, V Manea, A Iftene
The 12th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for …, 2010
mQoL Lab: Step-by-Step Creation of a Flexible Platform to Conduct Studies Using Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Devices
A Berrocal, V Manea, A De Masi, K Wac
Procedia Computer Science 175, 221-229, 2020
mQoL: mobile quality of life lab: from behavior change to QoL
V Manea, K Wac
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Joint Conference and 2018 …, 2018
Quantifying Energy and Fatigue: Classification and Assessment of Energy and Fatigue Using Subjective, Objective, and Mixed Methods towards Health and Quality of Life
NL Solomon, V Manea
Quantifying Quality of Life: Incorporating Daily Life into Medicine, 79-117, 2022
Towards Personalizing Participation in Health Studies
V Manea, M Schnoor Hansen, SE Elbeyi, K Wac
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Multimedia for Personal …, 2019
Co-calibrating Physical and Psychological Outcomes and Consumer Wearable Activity Outcomes in Older Adults: An Evaluation of the coQoL Method
V Manea, K Wac
Journal of Personalized Medicine, SI: PROomics: Patient Reported Outcome …, 2020
Using Consumer-Wearable Activity Trackers for Risk Prediction of Life-Threatening Heart Arrhythmia in Patients with an Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator: An Exploratory …
DM Frodi, V Manea, SZ Diederichsen, JH Svendsen, K Wac, TO Andersen
Journal of Personalized Medicine, SI: Cardiovascular Diseases—From Risk …, 2022
LDC'19: international workshop on longitudinal data collection in human subject studies
V Manea, A Berrocal, A De Masi, NH Møller, K Wac, H Bayer, S Lehmann, ...
Adjunct Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on …, 2019
Digital Health Tools for Chronic Illness and Dementia Risk Assessment in Older Adults
S Laghouila, V Manea, V Estrada, K Wac
Annals of Behavioral Medicine 52, S291-S291, 2018
Improving Coordination of Care Centers for the Elderly through IT Support
AK Johansen, F Vahr Bjarnø Lauridsen, V Manea, K Slavin-Borovskij, ...
The 18th ACM Conference Companion on Computer Supported Cooperative Work …, 2015
Using consumer-friendly wearables to correlate patient and technology-reported physical activity in healthy seniors
V Manea, A Berrocal, K Wac
Procedia Computer Science 175, 245-252, 2020
WellCo: Wellbeing and Health Virtual Coach
V Manea, K Wac
ERCIM News. Special Theme: Digital Health 118, 37-38, 2019
From Participation Factors to Co-Calibration of Patient- and Wearable-Reported Outcomes in Behavioural, Health, and Quality of Life Studies
V Manea
University of Copenhagen, 2021
Using consumer-friendly wearables to associate patient-reported quality of life and tech-reported physical activity and sleep in healthy seniors
V Manea, K Wac
Poster Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life …, 2020
Balancing priorities: A Field Study of Coordination in Distributed Elder Care
T Mønsted, AK Johansen, F Lauridsen, V Manea, K Slavin-Borovskij
HICSS 2016: Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on …, 2016
IT Supported Coordination of Elder Care
T Mønsted, AK Johansen, F Lauridsen, V Manea, K Slavin-Borovskij
Experiences of technology appropriation: users, usage, circumstances, and …, 2015
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