Članki z zahtevami za javni dostop - Eva FugleiVeč o tem
Ni na voljo nikjer: 1
Exposure to persistent organic pollutants reduces testosterone concentrations and affects sperm viability and morphology during the mating peak period in a controlled …
C Sonne, PA Torjesen, E Fuglei, DCG Muir, BM Jenssen, EH Jørgensen, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 51 (8), 4673-4680, 2017
Zahteve: Research Council of Norway
Na voljo nekje: 29
Climate change impacts on wildlife in a High Arctic archipelago–Svalbard, Norway
S Descamps, J Aars, E Fuglei, KM Kovacs, C Lydersen, O Pavlova, ...
Global Change Biology 23 (2), 490-502, 2017
Zahteve: Research Council of Norway
Organophosphorous flame retardants in biota from Svalbard, Norway
IG Hallanger, K Sagerup, A Evenset, KM Kovacs, P Leonards, E Fuglei, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 101 (1), 442-447, 2015
Zahteve: Research Council of Norway
Contrasting consequences of climate change for migratory geese: Predation, density dependence and carryover effects offset benefits of high‐arctic warming
K Layton‐Matthews, BB Hansen, V Grøtan, E Fuglei, MJJE Loonen
Global Change Biology 26 (2), 642-657, 2020
Zahteve: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Research Council of Norway
What can stable isotope analysis of top predator tissues contribute to monitoring of tundra ecosystems?
D Ehrich, RA Ims, NG Yoccoz, N Lecomte, ST Killengreen, E Fuglei, ...
Ecosystems 18, 404-416, 2015
Zahteve: Research Council of Norway
Emission changes dwarf the influence of feeding habits on temporal trends of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances in two Arctic top predators
H Routti, J Aars, E Fuglei, L Hanssen, K Lone, A Polder, ÅØ Pedersen, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 51 (20), 11996-12006, 2017
Zahteve: Research Council of Norway
Pulses of movement across the sea ice: population connectivity and temporal genetic structure in the arctic fox
K Norén, L Carmichael, E Fuglei, NE Eide, P Hersteinsson, A Angerbjörn
Oecologia 166, 973-984, 2011
Zahteve: Swedish Research Council
Arctic fox Vulpes lagopus population structure: circumpolar patterns and processes
K Norén, L Carmichael, L Dalén, P Hersteinsson, G Samelius, E Fuglei, ...
Oikos 120 (6), 873-885, 2011
Zahteve: Swedish Research Council
Arctic terrestrial biodiversity status and trends: A synopsis of science supporting the CBMP State of Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity Report
JJ Taylor, JP Lawler, M Aronsson, T Barry, AD Bjorkman, T Christensen, ...
Ambio 49, 833-847, 2020
Zahteve: Nordforsk
Changed Arctic‐alpine food web interactions under rapid climate warming: Implication for ptarmigan research
JA Henden, RA Ims, E Fuglei, ÅØ Pedersen
Wildlife Biology 2017, 1-11, 2017
Zahteve: Research Council of Norway
From monogamy to complexity: social organization of arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus) in contrasting ecosystems
K Norén, P Hersteinsson, G Samelius, NE Eide, E Fuglei, B Elmhagen, ...
Canadian journal of zoology 90 (9), 1102-1116, 2012
Zahteve: Swedish Research Council
Five decades of terrestrial and freshwater research at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard
ÅØ Pedersen, P Convey, KK Newsham, JB Mosbacher, E Fuglei, ...
Polar Research 41, 6310, 2022
Zahteve: National Natural Science Foundation of China, German Research Foundation, UK …
Contributions from terrestrial and marine resources stabilize predator populations in a rapidly changing climate
CR Nater, NE Eide, ÅØ Pedersen, NG Yoccoz, E Fuglei
Ecosphere 12 (6), e03546, 2021
Zahteve: Research Council of Norway
Vole abundance and reindeer carcasses determine breeding activity of Arctic foxes in low Arctic Yamal, Russia
D Ehrich, M Cerezo, AY Rodnikova, NA Sokolova, E Fuglei, VG Shtro, ...
BMC ecology 17, 1-13, 2017
Zahteve: Research Council of Norway
Climate variability and density-dependent population dynamics: Lessons from a simple High Arctic ecosystem
D Fauteux, A Stien, NG Yoccoz, E Fuglei, RA Ims
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (37), e2106635118, 2021
Zahteve: Research Council of Norway
Don't go chasing the ghosts of the past: habitat selection and site fidelity during calving in an Arctic ungulate
IM Paulsen, EM Soininen, V Ravolainen, LE Loe, BB Hansen, RJ Irvine, ...
Wildlife Biology 2021 (2), 1-13, 2021
Zahteve: Chief Scientist Office, Scottish Executive, Research Council of Norway
Iterative model predictions for wildlife populations impacted by rapid climate change
F Marolla, JA Henden, E Fuglei, ÅØ Pedersen, M Itkin, RA Ims
Global Change Biology 27 (8), 1547-1559, 2021
Zahteve: Research Council of Norway
Snowmobile impact on diurnal behaviour in the Arctic fox
E Fuglei, D Ehrich, ST Killengreen, AY Rodnikova, AA Sokolov, ...
Polar Research 36 (sup1), 10, 2017
Zahteve: Research Council of Norway
Temporal trend of mercury in relation to feeding habits and food availability in arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus) from Svalbard, Norway
IG Hallanger, E Fuglei, NG Yoccoz, ÅØ Pedersen, M König, H Routti
Science of the Total Environment 670, 1125-1132, 2019
Zahteve: Research Council of Norway
Environmental change reduces body condition, but not population growth, in a high‐arctic herbivore
K Layton‐Matthews, V Grøtan, BB Hansen, MJJE Loonen, E Fuglei, ...
Ecology Letters 24 (2), 227-238, 2021
Zahteve: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Research Council of Norway
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