Lalit  Chandra Saikia
Performance comparison of several classical controllers in AGC for multi-area interconnected thermal system
LC Saikia, J Nanda, S Mishra
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 33 (3), 394-401, 2011
Maiden application of bacterial foraging-based optimization technique in multiarea automatic generation control
J Nanda, S Mishra, LC Saikia
IEEE Transactions on power systems 24 (2), 602-609, 2009
Automatic generation control of a multi-area system using ant lion optimizer algorithm based PID plus second order derivative controller
LC Saikia, N Sinha
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 80, 52-63, 2016
Automatic generation control of multi area thermal system using Bat algorithm optimized PD–PID cascade controller
P Dash, LC Saikia, N Sinha
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 68, 364-372, 2015
Automatic generation control of a multi-area ST–Thermal power system using Grey Wolf Optimizer algorithm based classical controllers
Y Sharma, LC Saikia
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 73, 853-862, 2015
Automatic generation control using two degree of freedom fractional order PID controller
S Debbarma, LC Saikia, N Sinha
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 58, 120-129, 2014
AGC of a multi-area thermal system under deregulated environment using a non-integer controller
S Debbarma, LC Saikia, N Sinha
Electric Power Systems Research 95, 175-183, 2013
Flower pollination algorithm optimized PI-PD cascade controller in automatic generation control of a multi-area power system
P Dash, LC Saikia, N Sinha
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 82, 19-28, 2016
Automatic generation control of a combined cycle gas turbine plant with classical controllers using firefly algorithm
LC Saikia, SK Sahu
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 53, 27-33, 2013
Load frequency control of a hydro‐thermal system under deregulated environment using biogeography‐based optimised three‐degree‐of‐freedom integral‐derivative controller
A Rahman, LC Saikia, N Sinha
IET generation, transmission & distribution 9 (15), 2284-2293, 2015
Comparison of performances of several Cuckoo search algorithm based 2DOF controllers in AGC of multi-area thermal system
P Dash, LC Saikia, N Sinha
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 55, 429-436, 2014
Automatic generation control of a multi area hydrothermal system using reinforced learning neural network controller
LC Saikia, S Mishra, N Sinha, J Nanda
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 33 (4), 1101-1108, 2011
Automatic generation control of an interconnected two-area hybrid thermal system considering dish-stirling solar thermal and wind turbine system
A Rahman, LC Saikia, N Sinha
Renewable energy 105, 41-54, 2017
Comparison of performances of several FACTS devices using Cuckoo search algorithm optimized 2DOF controllers in multi-area AGC
P Dash, LC Saikia, N Sinha
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 65, 316-324, 2015
Performance comparison of several energy storage devices in deregulated AGC of a multi‐area system incorporating geothermal power plant
W Tasnin, LC Saikia
IET Renewable Power Generation 12 (7), 761-772, 2018
Deregulated AGC of multi-area system incorporating dish-Stirling solar thermal and geothermal power plants using fractional order cascade controller
W Tasnin, LC Saikia
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 101, 60-74, 2018
Utilisation of ultra‐capacitor in load frequency control under restructured STPP‐thermal power systems using WOA optimised PIDN‐FOPD controller
A Saha, LC Saikia
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 11 (13), 3318-3331, 2017
Combined control of voltage and frequency of multi‐area multisource system incorporating solar thermal power plant using LSA optimised classical controllers
R Rajbongshi, LC Saikia
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 11 (10), 2489-2498, 2017
Solution to automatic generation control problem using firefly algorithm optimized IλDµ controller
S Debbarma, LC Saikia, N Sinha
ISA transactions 53 (2), 358-366, 2014
Maiden application of bacterial foraging based fuzzy IDD controller in AGC of a multi-area hydrothermal system
LC Saikia, N Sinha, J Nanda
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 45 (1), 98-106, 2013
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