The COVID-19 pandemic and global environmental change: Emerging research needs R Barouki, M Kogevinas, K Audouze, K Belesova, A Bergman, ... Environment international 146, 106272, 2021 | 306 | 2021 |
The unholy marriage? Integrating qualitative and quantitative information in Delphi processes P Tapio, R Paloniemi, V Varho, M Vinnari Technological Forecasting and Social Change 78 (9), 1616-1628, 2011 | 165 | 2011 |
Does belief matter in climate change action? A Vainio, R Paloniemi Public Understanding of science 22 (4), 382-395, 2013 | 144 | 2013 |
Ecological and social aspects of biodiversity conservation on private lands R Paloniemi, PM Tikka Environmental Science & Policy 11 (4), 336-346, 2008 | 117 | 2008 |
Weighing the risks of nuclear energy and climate change: Trust in different information sources, perceived risks, and willingness to pay for alternatives to nuclear power A Vainio, R Paloniemi, V Varho Risk analysis 37 (3), 557-569, 2017 | 116 | 2017 |
Public participation and environmental justice in biodiversity governance in Finland, Greece, Poland and the UK R Paloniemi, E Apostolopoulou, J Cent, D Bormpoudakis, A Scott, ... Environmental Policy and Governance 25 (5), 330-342, 2015 | 109 | 2015 |
From meta‐system theory to the sustainable management of rivers in the Anthropocene N Cid, T Erős, J Heino, G Singer, SC Jähnig, M Cañedo‐Argüelles, ... Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 20 (1), 49-57, 2022 | 81 | 2022 |
Governance rescaling and the neoliberalization of nature: the case of biodiversity conservation in four EU countries E Apostolopoulou, D Bormpoudakis, R Paloniemi, J Cent, ... International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 21 (6), 481-494, 2014 | 81 | 2014 |
Improving conservation planning for semi-natural grasslands: Integrating connectivity into agri-environment schemes A Arponen, RK Heikkinen, R Paloniemi, J Pöyry, J Similä, M Kuussaari Biological Conservation 160, 234-241, 2013 | 79 | 2013 |
Citizens’ sustainable, future-oriented energy behaviours in energy transition A Vainio, A Pulkka, R Paloniemi, V Varho, P Tapio Journal of Cleaner Production 245, 118801, 2020 | 77 | 2020 |
Pluralising agency to understand behaviour change in sustainability transitions S Huttunen, M Kaljonen, A Lonkila, S Rantala, A Rekola, R Paloniemi Energy research & social science 76, 102067, 2021 | 75 | 2021 |
Changing ecological and cultural states and preferences of nature conservation policy: The case of nature values trade in South-Western Finland R Paloniemi, V Vilja Journal of Rural Studies 25 (1), 87-97, 2009 | 75 | 2009 |
The complex role of attitudes toward science in pro-environmental consumption in the Nordic countries A Vainio, R Paloniemi Ecological Economics 108, 18-27, 2014 | 73 | 2014 |
The helsinki declaration 2020: Europe that protects JI Halonen, M Erhola, E Furman, T Haahtela, P Jousilahti, R Barouki, ... The Lancet Planetary Health 4 (11), e503-e505, 2020 | 70 | 2020 |
Evolution in Finland's forest biodiversity conservation payments and the institutional constraints on establishing new policy E Primmer, R Paloniemi, J Similä, DN Barton Society & Natural Resources 26 (10), 1137-1154, 2013 | 61 | 2013 |
Ympäristövastuullinen osallistuminen oppimisprosessina R Paloniemi, S Koskinen Terra 117 (1), 2005 | 60 | 2005 |
Citizens’ images of a sustainable energy transition A Vainio, V Varho, P Tapio, A Pulkka, R Paloniemi Energy 183, 606-616, 2019 | 59 | 2019 |
Integrating social and ecological knowledge for targeting voluntary biodiversity conservation R Paloniemi, T Hujala, S Rantala, A Harlio, A Salomaa, E Primmer, ... Conservation Letters 11 (1), e12340, 2018 | 59 | 2018 |
Forest owner perceptions of institutions and voluntary contracting for biodiversity conservation: not crowding out but staying out E Primmer, R Paloniemi, J Similä, A Tainio Ecological Economics 103, 1-10, 2014 | 59 | 2014 |
The impacts of nature connectedness on children's well-being: Systematic literature review T Arola, M Aulake, A Ott, M Lindholm, P Kouvonen, P Virtanen, ... Journal of Environmental Psychology 85, 101913, 2023 | 52 | 2023 |