Mohsen Rahimi
Efficient Control Scheme of Wind Turbines with Doubly-Fed Induction Generators for Low Voltage Ride-Through Capability Enhancement
M Rahimi, M Parniani
IET Renewable Power Generation 4 (3), 242-252, 2010
Grid-fault ride-through analysis and control of wind turbines with doubly fed induction generators
M Rahimi, M Parniani
Electric Power Systems Research 80 (2), 184-195, 2010
Coordinated control approaches for low-voltage ride-through enhancement in wind turbines with doubly fed induction generators
M Rahimi, M Parniani
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 25 (3), 873-883, 2010
Transient performance improvement of wind turbines with doubly fed induction generators using nonlinear control strategy
M Rahimi, M Parniani
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 25 (2), 514-525, 2009
Modeling, control and stability analysis of grid connected PMSG based wind turbine assisted with diode rectifier and boost converter
M Rahimi
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 93, 84-96, 2017
Dynamic behavior analysis of doubly-fed induction generator wind turbines–The influence of rotor and speed controller parameters
M Rahimi, M Parniani
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 32 (5), 464-477, 2010
A review on modeling and control of grid-connected photovoltaic inverters with LCL filter
MH Mahlooji, HR Mohammadi, M Rahimi
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81, 563-578, 2018
Low voltage ride-through capability improvement of DFIG-based wind turbines under unbalanced voltage dips
M Rahimi, M Parniani
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 60, 82-95, 2014
Dynamic performance assessment of DFIG-based wind turbines: A review
M Rahimi
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 37, 852-866, 2014
Dynamic behavior and transient stability analysis of fixed speed wind turbines
M Rahimi, M Parniani
Renewable energy 34 (12), 2613-2624, 2009
Enhancement of DFIG performance at high wind speed using fractional order PI controller in pitch compensation loop
MS Hossein Mahvash, Seyed AbbasTaher, Mohsen Rahimi
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 104, 259-268, 0
Improvement of energy conversion efficiency and damping of wind turbine response in grid connected DFIG based wind turbines
M Rahimi
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 95, 11-25, 2018
DFIG performance improvement in grid connected mode by using fractional order [PI] controller
H Mahvash, SA Taher, M Rahimi, M Shahidehpour
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 96, 398-411, 2018
Coordinated control of rotor and grid sides converters in DFIG based wind turbines for providing optimal reactive power support and voltage regulation
M Rahimi
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 20, 47-57, 2017
A new approach for power quality improvement of DFIG based wind farms connected to weak utility grid
H Mahvash, SA Taher, M Rahimi
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 8 (3), 415-430, 2017
Drive train dynamics assessment and speed controller design in variable speed wind turbines
M Rahimi
Renewable energy 89, 716-729, 2016
Transient behavior representation, contribution to fault current assessment, and transient response improvement in DFIG‐based wind turbines assisted with crowbar hardware
M Rahimi, A Azizi
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 29 (1), e2698, 2019
Control and stability analysis of DFIG wind system at the load following mode in a DC microgrid comprising wind and microturbine sources and constant power loads
A Akhbari, M Rahimi
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 117, 105622, 2020
Control and dynamic response analysis of full converter wind turbines with squirrel cage induction generators considering pitch control and drive train dynamics
M Rahimi, M Asadi
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 108, 280-292, 2019
Dynamic performance analysis, stability margin improvement and transfer power capability enhancement in DFIG based wind turbines at weak ac grid conditions
AH Azizi, M Rahimi
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 99, 434-446, 2018
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