Joe Yuichiro Wakano
Joe Yuichiro Wakano
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na meiji.ac.jp - Domača stran
Spatial dynamics of ecological public goods
JY Wakano, MA Nowak, C Hauert
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (19), 7910-7914, 2009
Evolution of social learning: a mathematical analysis
JY Wakano, K Aoki, MW Feldman
Theoretical population biology 66 (3), 249-258, 2004
Evolution of mutualism through spatial effects
N Yamamura, M Higashi, N Behera, JY Wakano
Journal of theoretical biology 226 (4), 421-428, 2004
Adaptive social learning strategies in temporally and spatially varying environments: How temporal vs. spatial variation, number of cultural traits, and costs of learning …
W Nakahashi, JY Wakano, J Henrich
Human Nature 23, 386-418, 2012
The emergence of social learning in a temporally changing environment: a theoretical model
K Aoki, JY Wakano, MW Feldman
Current Anthropology 46 (2), 334-340, 2005
Do social learning and conformist bias coevolve? Henrich and Boyd revisited
JY Wakano, K Aoki
Theoretical population biology 72 (4), 504-512, 2007
Ecological public goods games: cooperation and bifurcation
C Hauert, JY Wakano, M Doebeli
Theoretical population biology 73 (2), 257-263, 2008
Evolutionary Branching in a Finite Population: Deterministic Branching vs. Stochastic Branching
JY Wakano, Y Iwasa
Genetics 193 (1), 229-241, 2013
Pattern formation and chaos in spatial ecological public goodsgames
JY Wakano, C Hauert
Journal of theoretical biology 268 (1), 30-38, 2011
Evolutionarily stable learning schedules and cumulative culture in discrete generation models
K Aoki, JY Wakano, L Lehmann
Theoretical Population Biology 81 (4), 300-309, 2012
Dynamic model of optimal age polyethism in social insects under stable and fluctuating environments
JY Wakano, K Nakata, N Yamamura
Journal of theoretical biology 193 (1), 153-165, 1998
A mixed strategy model for the emergence and intensification of social learning in a periodically changing natural environment
JY Wakano, K Aoki
Theoretical population biology 70 (4), 486-497, 2006
On optimal learning schedules and the marginal value of cumulative cultural evolution
L Lehmann, JY Wakano, K Aoki
Evolution 67 (5), 1435-1445, 2013
Evolution of species trait through resource competition
S Mirrahimi, B Perthame, JY Wakano
Journal of mathematical biology 64, 1189-1223, 2012
Evolutionary branching in deme-structured populations
JY Wakano, L Lehmann
Journal of theoretical biology 351, 83-95, 2014
The driving forces of cultural complexity: Neanderthals, modern humans, and the question of population size
L Fogarty, JY Wakano, MW Feldman, K Aoki
Human Nature 28, 39-52, 2017
Generous cooperators can outperform non-generous cooperators when replacing a population of defectors
S Kurokawa, JY Wakano, Y Ihara
Theoretical Population Biology 77 (4), 257-262, 2010
The evolution of phenotypic traits in a predator–prey system subject to Allee effect
J Zu, M Mimura, JY Wakano
Journal of theoretical biology 262 (3), 528-543, 2010
Evolution of cooperation in spatial public goods games with common resource dynamics
JY Wakano
Journal of Theoretical Biology 247 (4), 616-622, 2007
Direct competition results from strong competition for limited resource
S Mirrahimi, B Perthame, JY Wakano
Journal of mathematical biology 68, 931-949, 2014
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