Shengchuan Wu
The effect of manufacturing defects on the fatigue life of selective laser melted Ti-6Al-4V structures
YN Hu, SC Wu, PJ Withers, J Zhang, HYX Bao, YN Fu, GZ Kang
Materials & Design 192, 108708, 2020
A machine-learning fatigue life prediction approach of additively manufactured metals
H Bao, S Wu, Z Wu, G Kang, X Peng, PJ Withers
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 242, 107508, 2021
The imaging of failure in structural materials by synchrotron radiation X-ray microtomography
SC Wu, TQ Xiao, PJ Withers
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 182, 127-156, 2017
The effect of defect population on the anisotropic fatigue resistance of AlSi10Mg alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion
Z Wu, S Wu, J Bao, W Qian, S Karabal, W Sun, PJ Withers
International Journal of Fatigue 151, 106317, 2021
A new approach to correlate the defect population with the fatigue life of selective laser melted Ti-6Al-4V alloy
YN Hu, SC Wu, ZK Wu, XL Zhong, S Ahmed, S Karabal, XH Xiao, ...
International Journal of Fatigue 136, 105584, 2020
Thermal crack growth-based fatigue life prediction due to braking for a high-speed railway brake disc
SC Wu, SQ Zhang, ZW Xu
International Journal of Fatigue 87, 359-369, 2016
An edge-based smoothed finite element method (ES-FEM) for analyzing three-dimensional acoustic problems
ZC He, GR Liu, ZH Zhong, SC Wu, GY Zhang, AG Cheng
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 199 (1-4), 20-33, 2009
Defect-correlated fatigue resistance of additively manufactured Al-Mg4. 5Mn alloy with in situ micro-rolling
C Xie, S Wu, Y Yu, H Zhang, Y Hu, M Zhang, G Wang
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 291, 117039, 2021
The potency of defects on fatigue of additively manufactured metals
X Peng, S Wu, W Qian, J Bao, Y Hu, Z Zhan, G Guo, PJ Withers
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 221, 107185, 2022
Corrosion fatigue lifetime assessment of high-speed railway axle EA4T steel with artificial scratch
Y Hu, S Wu, PJ Withers, H Cao, P Chen, Y Zhang, Z Shen, T Vojtek, ...
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 245, 107588, 2021
Probabilistic fatigue assessment for high-speed railway axles due to foreign object damages
SC Wu, ZW Xu, GZ Kang, WF He
International Journal of Fatigue 117, 90-100, 2018
Porosity, element loss, and strength model on softening behavior of hybrid laser arc welded Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy with synchrotron radiation analysis
SC Wu, X Yu, RZ Zuo, WH Zhang, HL Xie, JZ Jiang
Welding Journal 92 (3), 64-72, 2013
Determination of the fatigue PSN curves–A critical review and improved backward statistical inference method
C Li, S Wu, J Zhang, L Xie, Y Zhang
International Journal of Fatigue 139, 105789, 2020
On the fatigue performance of laser hybrid welded high Zn 7000 alloys for next generation railway components
SC Wu, YN Hu, H Duan, C Yu, HS Jiao
International Journal of Fatigue 91, 1-10, 2016
A node-based smoothed point interpolation method (NS-PIM) for three-dimensional heat transfer problems
SC Wu, GR Liu, HO Zhang, X Xu, ZR Li
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 48 (7), 1367-1376, 2009
An edge-based smoothed point interpolation method (ES-PIM) for heat transfer analysis of rapid manufacturing system
SC Wu, GR Liu, XY Cui, TT Nguyen, GY Zhang
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 53 (9-10), 1938-1950, 2010
Defect evolution during high temperature tension-tension fatigue of SLM AISi10Mg alloy by synchrotron tomography
J Bao, S Wu, PJ Withers, Z Wu, F Li, Y Fu, W Sun
Materials Science and Engineering: A 792, 139809, 2020
On the fatigue performance and residual life of intercity railway axles with inside axle boxes
SC Wu, YX Liu, CH Li, GZ Kang, SL Liang
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 197, 176-191, 2018
Inhibiting weld cracking in high-strength aluminium alloys
Y Hu, S Wu, Y Guo, Z Shen, AM Korsunsky, Y Yu, X Zhang, Y Fu, Z Che, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 5816, 2022
Microstructure understanding of high Cr-Ni austenitic steel corrosion in high-temperature steam
Z Shen, J Zhang, S Wu, X Luo, BM Jenkins, MP Moody, S Lozano-Perez, ...
Acta Materialia 226, 117634, 2022
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