Članki z zahtevami za javni dostop - Sayed M. BateniVeč o tem
Ni na voljo nikjer: 4
Machine-learning-based short-term forecasting of daily precipitation in different climate regions across the contiguous United States
M Valipour, C Khoshkam, H., Bateni, S., Jun
Expert Systems with Applications, 2023
Zahteve: US Department of Agriculture
Environmental controls on the conversion of nutrients to chlorophyll in lakes
D Naderian, R Noori, D Kim, C Jun, SM Bateni, RI Woolway, S Sharma, ...
Water Research 274, 123094, 2025
Zahteve: UK Natural Environment Research Council, UK Research & Innovation
Estimation of daily reference evapotranspiration from limited climatic variables in coastal regions
H Vosoughifar, H Khoshkam, SM Bateni, C Jun, T Xu, SS Band, ...
Hydrological Sciences Journal 68 (1), 91-107, 2023
Zahteve: US Department of Agriculture
Pivotal role of snow depth, local atmospheric conditions, and large-scale climate signals on ice thinning in Finnish lakes
D Naderian, R Noori, SM Bateni, C Jun, D Kim, M Shahmohammad, ...
Science of The Total Environment 966, 178715, 2025
Zahteve: UK Natural Environment Research Council, UK Research & Innovation
Na voljo nekje: 34
Mapping regional turbulent heat fluxes via variational assimilation of land surface temperature data from polar orbiting satellites
T Xu, X He, SM Bateni, T Auligne, S Liu, Z Xu, J Zhou, K Mao
Remote Sensing of Environment 221, 444-461, 2019
Zahteve: US Department of Agriculture, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Sentinel-2 MSI data for active fire detection in major fire-prone biomes: A multi-criteria approach
X Hu, Y Ban, A Nascetti
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 101 …, 2021
Zahteve: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Academy of Finland, Agence …
Estimation of surface turbulent heat fluxes via variational assimilation of sequences of land surface temperatures from Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites
T Xu, SM Bateni, S Liang, D Entekhabi, K Mao
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 119 (18), 10,780-10,798, 2014
Zahteve: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A dataset of daily near-surface air temperature in China from 1979 to 2018
S Fang, K Mao, X Xia, P Wang, J Shi, SM Bateni, T Xu, M Cao, E Heggy
Earth System Science Data Discussions 2021, 1-37, 2021
Zahteve: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Partitioning evapotranspiration into soil evaporation and canopy transpiration via a two-source variational data assimilation system
T Xu, SM Bateni, SA Margulis, L Song, S Liu, Z Xu
Journal of Hydrometeorology 17 (9), 2353-2370, 2016
Zahteve: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Strong warming rates in the surface and bottom layers of a boreal lake: Results from approximately six decades of measurements (1964–2020)
R Noori, SM Bateni, M Saari, M Almazroui, A Torabi Haghighi
Earth and Space Science 9 (2), e2021EA001973, 2022
Zahteve: Academy of Finland
A Bayesian three-cornered hat (BTCH) method: improving the terrestrial evapotranspiration estimation
X He, T Xu, Y Xia, SM Bateni, Z Guo, S Liu, K Mao, Y Zhang, H Feng, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (5), 878, 2020
Zahteve: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Natural Science …
Characterizing the effect of vegetation dynamics on the bulk heat transfer coefficient to improve variational estimation of surface turbulent fluxes
A Abdolghafoorian, L Farhadi, SM Bateni, S Margulis, T Xu
Journal of Hydrometeorology 18 (2), 321-333, 2017
Zahteve: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Estimation of surface heat fluxes via variational assimilation of land surface temperature, air temperature and specific humidity into a coupled land surface-atmospheric …
E Tajfar, SM Bateni, V Lakshmi, M Ek
Journal of Hydrology 583, 124577, 2020
Zahteve: US Department of Agriculture
Mapping regional evapotranspiration in cloudy skies via variational assimilation of all-weather land surface temperature observations
X He, T Xu, SM Bateni, M Ek, S Liu, F Chen
Journal of Hydrology 585, 124790, 2020
Zahteve: US Department of Agriculture, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Estimation of turbulent heat fluxes by assimilation of land surface temperature observations from GOES satellites into an ensemble Kalman smoother framework
T Xu, SM Bateni, CMU Neale, T Auligne, S Liu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123 (5), 2409-2423, 2018
Zahteve: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Department of …
Estimating turbulent heat fluxes with a weak-constraint data assimilation scheme: A case study (HiWATER-MUSOEXE)
T Xu, SM Bateni, S Liang
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 12 (1), 68-72, 2014
Zahteve: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Global food security assessment during 1961–2019
J Guo, K Mao, Z Yuan, Z Qin, T Xu, SM Bateni, Y Zhao, C Ye
Sustainability 13 (24), 14005, 2021
Zahteve: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Estimation of turbulent heat fluxes via assimilation of air temperature and specific humidity into an atmospheric boundary layer model
E Tajfar, SM Bateni, SA Margulis, P Gentine, T Auligne
Journal of Hydrometeorology 21 (2), 205-225, 2020
Zahteve: US Department of Agriculture
A general paradigm for retrieving soil moisture and surface temperature from passive microwave remote sensing data
K Mao, H Wang, J Shi, E Heggy, S Wu, SM Bateni, D Guoming
Remote Sensing, 2023
Zahteve: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Daily river flow simulation using ensemble disjoint aggregating M5-Prime model
K Khosravi, N Attar, SM Bateni, C Jun, D Kim, MJS Safari, S Heddam, ...
Heliyon 10 (20), 2024
Zahteve: UK Natural Environment Research Council
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