Gordon Petrie
Gordon Petrie
National Solar Observatory
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na nso.edu
Coronal magnetic field models
T Wiegelmann, GJD Petrie, P Riley
Space Science Reviews 210, 249-274, 2017
Abrupt longitudinal magnetic field changes in flaring active regions
GJD Petrie, JJ Sudol
The Astrophysical Journal 724 (2), 1218, 2010
Solar magnetism in the polar regions
GJD Petrie
Living Reviews in Solar Physics 12, 1-102, 2015
Critical Science Plan for the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST)
MP Rast, N Bello González, L Bellot Rubio, W Cao, G Cauzzi, E DeLuca, ...
Solar Physics 296 (4), 70, 2021
The abrupt changes in the photospheric magnetic and Lorentz force vectors during six major neutral-line flares
GJD Petrie
The Astrophysical Journal 759 (1), 50, 2012
Evidence for polar jets as precursors of polar plume formation
NE Raouafi, GJD Petrie, AA Norton, CJ Henney, SK Solanki
The Astrophysical Journal 682 (2), L137, 2008
Small solar wind transients and their connection to the large-scale coronal structure
EKJ Kilpua, JG Luhmann, J Gosling, Y Li, H Elliott, CT Russell, L Jian, ...
Solar Physics 256, 327-344, 2009
A spatio-temporal description of the abrupt changes in the photospheric magnetic and Lorentz-force vectors during the 15 February 2011 X2. 2 flare
GJD Petrie
Solar Dynamics and Magnetism from the Interior to the Atmosphere, 415-440, 2014
Solar wind sources in the late declining phase of cycle 23: Effects of the weak solar polar field on high speed streams
JG Luhmann, CO Lee, Y Li, CN Arge, AB Galvin, K Simunac, CT Russell, ...
Solar Physics 256, 285-305, 2009
Solar magnetic activity cycles, coronal potential field models and eruption rates
GJD Petrie
The Astrophysical Journal 768 (2), 162, 2013
Global non-potential magnetic models of the solar corona during the March 2015 eclipse
AR Yeates, T Amari, I Contopoulos, X Feng, DH Mackay, Z Mikić, ...
Space science reviews 214, 1-27, 2018
Evolution of active and polar photospheric magnetic fields during the rise of cycle 24 compared to previous cycles
GJD Petrie
Solar Physics 281, 577-598, 2012
A comparative study of magnetic fields in the solar photosphere and chromosphere at equatorial and polar latitudes
GJD Petrie, I Patrikeeva
The Astrophysical Journal 699 (1), 871, 2009
The internal structures and dynamics of solar quiescent prominences
BC Low, GJD Petrie
The Astrophysical Journal 626 (1), 551, 2005
On the origin of the solar Moreton wave of 2006 December 6
KS Balasubramaniam, EW Cliver, A Pevtsov, M Temmer, TW Henry, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 723 (1), 587, 2010
Solar polar fields and the 22-year activity cycle: observations and models
GJD Petrie, K Petrovay, K Schatten
Space Science Reviews 186, 325-357, 2014
Filament substructures and their interrelation
Y Lin, SF Martin, O Engvold
Subsurface and Atmospheric Influences on Solar Activity 383, 235, 2008
The reversal of the Sun's magnetic field in cycle 24
AV Mordvinov, AA Pevtsov, L Bertello, GJD Petrie
arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.02460, 2016
Shock connectivity and the late cycle 24 solar energetic particle events in July and September 2017
JG Luhmann, ML Mays, Y Li, CO Lee, H Bain, D Odstrcil, RA Mewaldt, ...
Space Weather 16 (5), 557-568, 2018
Uncertainties in solar synoptic magnetic flux maps
L Bertello, AA Pevtsov, GJD Petrie, D Keys
Solar Physics 289, 2419-2431, 2014
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