Tropical intraseasonal variability in 14 IPCC AR4 climate models. Part I: Convective signals JL Lin, GN Kiladis, BE Mapes, KM Weickmann, KR Sperber, W Lin, ... Journal of Climate 19 (12), 2665-2690, 2006 | 887 | 2006 |
Cloud clusters and superclusters over the oceanic warm pool BE Mapes, RA Houze Jr Monthly Weather Review 121 (5), 1398-1416, 1993 | 549 | 1993 |
Gregarious tropical convection BE Mapes Journal of the atmospheric sciences 50 (13), 2026-2037, 1993 | 543 | 1993 |
I993 BE Mapes Gregarious tropical convection. J./limos. Sci 50, 2026-37, 0 | 543* | |
Multiscale variability of deep convection in relation to large-scale circulation in TOGA COARE SS Chen, RA Houze, BE Mapes Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 53 (10), 1380-1409, 1996 | 481 | 1996 |
Convective inhibition, subgrid-scale triggering energy, and stratiform instability in a toy tropical wave model BE Mapes Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 57 (10), 1515-1535, 2000 | 464 | 2000 |
Diabatic divergence profiles in western Pacific mesoscale convective systems BE Mapes, RA Houze Journal of the atmospheric sciences 52 (10), 1807-1828, 1995 | 460 | 1995 |
The mesoscale convection life cycle: Building block or prototype for large-scale tropical waves? B Mapes, S Tulich, J Lin, P Zuidema Dynamics of atmospheres and oceans 42 (1-4), 3-29, 2006 | 362 | 2006 |
Diurnal patterns of rainfall in northwestern South America. Part III: Diurnal gravity waves and nocturnal convection offshore BE Mapes, TT Warner, M Xu Monthly weather review 131 (5), 830-844, 2003 | 346 | 2003 |
Stratiform precipitation, vertical heating profiles, and the Madden–Julian oscillation J Lin, B Mapes, M Zhang, M Newman Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 61 (3), 296-309, 2004 | 294 | 2004 |
Diurnal patterns of rainfall in northwestern South America. Part I: Observations and context BE Mapes, TT Warner, M Xu, AJ Negri Monthly Weather Review 131 (5), 799-812, 2003 | 251 | 2003 |
Parameterizing convective organization to escape the entrainment dilemma B Mapes, R Neale Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 3 (6), M06004, 2011 | 226 | 2011 |
Radiative-dynamical consequences of dry tongues in the tropical troposphere BE Mapes, P Zuidema Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 53 (4), 620-638, 1996 | 226 | 1996 |
Bimodality in tropical water vapour C Zhang, BE Mapes, BJ Soden Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: A journal of the …, 2003 | 169 | 2003 |
Global energetics and local physics as drivers of past, present and future monsoons M Biasutti, A Voigt, WR Boos, P Braconnot, JC Hargreaves, SP Harrison, ... Nature Geoscience 11 (6), 392-400, 2018 | 155 | 2018 |
An integrated view of the 1987 Australian monsoon and its mesoscale convective systems. I: Horizontal structure B Mapes, RA Houze Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 118 (507), 927-963, 2006 | 144 | 2006 |
Subseasonal variability associated with Asian summer monsoon simulated by 14 IPCC AR4 coupled GCMs JL Lin, KM Weickman, GN Kiladis, BE Mapes, SD Schubert, MJ Suarez, ... Journal of Climate 21 (18), 4541-4567, 2008 | 143 | 2008 |
A simple atmospheric model of the local and teleconnection responses to tropical heating anomalies SK Lee, C Wang, BE Mapes Journal of Climate 22 (2), 272-284, 2009 | 141 | 2009 |
Influence of cloud-radiation interaction on simulating tropical intraseasonal oscillation with an atmospheric general circulation model MI Lee, IS Kang, JK Kim, BE Mapes Journal of geophysical research 106 (14), 219-14, 2001 | 136 | 2001 |
Clouds associated with the Madden-Julian oscillation: A new perspective from CloudSat EM Riley, BE Mapes, SN Tulich Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 68 (12), 3032-3051, 2011 | 134 | 2011 |