Eric J. Michel
The business case for women leaders: Meta-analysis, research critique, and path forward
JM Hoobler, CR Masterson, SM Nkomo, EJ Michel
Journal of management 44 (6), 2473-2499, 2018
Individual ambidexterity: Exploring and exploiting in dynamic contexts
D Good, EJ Michel
The Journal of Psychology 147 (5), 435-453, 2013
Creativity and firm-level performance: The mediating effects of action orientation
LG Weinzimmer, EJ Michel, JL Franczak
Journal of Managerial Issues, 62-82, 2011
The measurement of strategic orientation and its efficacy in predicting financial performance
LG Weinzimmer, J Robin, EJ Michel
Journal of Business Strategies 29 (2), 81-98, 2012
The differential impact of strategic aggressiveness on firm performance: The role of firm size
L Weinzimmer, CA Esken, EJ Michel, WC McDowell, RV Mahto
Journal of Business Research 158, 113623, 2023
An empirical examination of strategic orientation and SME performance
J Franczak, L Weinzimmer, E Michel
Small Business Institute National Proceedings 33 (1), 2009
A cross-domain exploration of performance benefits and costs of idiosyncratic deals
G Lemmon, A Westring, EJ Michel, MS Wilson, BC Glibkowski
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 23 (4), 440-455, 2016
Culture-performance research: challenges and future directions
LG Weinzimmer, JL Franczak, EJ Michel
Journal of Academy of Business and Economics 8 (4), 152-163, 2008
When the past and the present collide: contrast effect of sequential psychological contract breaches on employee outcomes
M Zhong, SJ Wayne, EJ Michel
Journal of Management 49 (3), 913-943, 2023
Bridging two tales of engagement: a meta-analytic review of employee engagement and customer engagement in service contexts
EJ Michel, KK Lindsey-Hall, S Kepes, J Qi, MR Leon, LG Weinzimmer, ...
Journal of Service Management 34 (5), 843-866, 2023
Beyond performance: Examining the role of work engagement on employee voice and success
EJ Michel, SJ Wayne, C Liao
Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 17776, 2015
The nature of entrepreneurial orientation strength: the impact of shared values on firm performance
LG Weinzimmer, EJ Michel, J Robin
Journal of Management & Organization 27 (4), 715-735, 2021
A Q&A primer and systematic review of meta-analytic reporting in organizational frontline service research
KK Lindsey-Hall, EJ Michel, S Kepes, J Qi, LG Weinzimmer, AR Wheeler, ...
Journal of Service Management 34 (5), 995-1020, 2023
The Dysfunctional and Functional Impact of I-Deals Differentiation on Team Performance
H Xu, SJ Wayne, EJ Michel
Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 20851, 2020
Why, When, and How Work Engagement Leads to Performance: The Effects of Self-Construal and Pride
EJ Michel
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 14644, 2018
A Spillover-Crossover Model of Servant Leader Family Support and Subordinate Family-Work Outcomes
EJ Michel, SJ Wayne
Academy of Management Proceedings 2016 (1), 17215, 2016
Getting Off the Bandwagon: Theoretical and Empirical Critique of the Business Case for Women Leaders
JM Hoobler, CR Masterson, SM Nkomo, EJ Michel
Academy of Management Proceedings 2014 (1), 12284, 2014
Understanding Employees’ Responses to Psychological Contract Breach During a Crisis
M Zhong, H Xu, SJ Wayne, EJ Michel
Academy of Management Proceedings 2022 (1), 10157, 2022
How Does Work Engagement Lead to In-Role Behavior and OCB? An Empirical Test of Affective Events Theory
EJ Michel
University of Illinois at Chicago, 2019
My Family Enriches Your Work? Exploring the Mechanisms of Supervisor-Subordinate Positive Crossover
EJ Michel, SJ Wayne
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 14539, 2018
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