James Spencer
James Spencer
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Ab-Initio Solution of the Many-Electron Schr\" odinger Equation with Deep Neural Networks
D Pfau, JS Spencer, AGG Matthews, WMC Foulkes
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.02487, 2019
Pushing the frontiers of density functionals by solving the fractional electron problem
J Kirkpatrick, B McMorrow, DHP Turban, AL Gaunt, JS Spencer, ...
Science 374 (6573), 1385-1389, 2021
Fast and accurate genomic analyses using genome graphs
G Rakocevic, V Semenyuk, WP Lee, J Spencer, J Browning, IJ Johnson, ...
Nature genetics, 1, 2019
Natural orbitals for wave function based correlated calculations using a plane wave basis set
A Grüneis, GH Booth, M Marsman, J Spencer, A Alavi, G Kresse
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 7 (9), 2780-2785, 2011
Efficient calculation of the exact exchange energy in periodic systems using a truncated Coulomb potential
J Spencer, A Alavi
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (19), 193110, 2008
The sign problem and population dynamics in the full configuration interaction quantum Monte Carlo method
JS Spencer, NS Blunt, WMC Foulkes
Journal of Chemical Physics 136 (5), 54110, 2012
Semi-stochastic full configuration interaction quantum Monte Carlo: Developments and application
NS Blunt, SD Smart, JAF Kersten, JS Spencer, GH Booth, A Alavi
The Journal of chemical physics 142 (18), 184107, 2015
Density-matrix quantum Monte Carlo method
NS Blunt, TW Rogers, JS Spencer, WMC Foulkes
Physical Review B 89 (24), 245124, 2014
Accurate exchange-correlation energies for the warm dense electron gas
FD Malone, NS Blunt, EW Brown, DKK Lee, JS Spencer, WMC Foulkes, ...
Physical Review Letters 117 (11), 115701, 2016
Ab initio quantum chemistry with neural-network wavefunctions
J Hermann, J Spencer, K Choo, A Mezzacapo, WMC Foulkes, D Pfau, ...
Nature Reviews Chemistry 7 (10), 692-709, 2023
Interaction picture density matrix quantum Monte Carlo
FD Malone, NS Blunt, JJ Shepherd, DKK Lee, JS Spencer, WMC Foulkes
The Journal of Chemical Physics 143 (4), 044116, 2015
Discovering quantum phase transitions with fermionic neural networks
G Cassella, H Sutterud, S Azadi, ND Drummond, D Pfau, JS Spencer, ...
Physical Review Letters 130 (3), 036401, 2023
Linear-scaling time-dependent density-functional theory in the linear response formalism
TJ Zuehlsdorff, NDM Hine, JS Spencer, NM Harrison, DJ Riley, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 139 (6), 064104, 2013
Dispersion interactions between semiconducting wires
AJ Misquitta, J Spencer, AJ Stone, A Alavi
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (7), 075312, 2010
Better, Faster Fermionic Neural Networks
JS Spencer, D Pfau, A Botev, WMC Foulkes
arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.07125, 2020
Developments in stochastic coupled cluster theory: The initiator approximation and application to the uniform electron gas
JS Spencer, AJW Thom
The Journal of Chemical Physics 144 (8), 2016
A Self-Attention Ansatz for Ab-initio Quantum Chemistry
I von Glehn, JS Spencer, D Pfau
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.13672, 2022
The HANDE-QMC project: open-source stochastic quantum chemistry from the ground state up
JS Spencer, NS Blunt, S Choi, J Etrych, MA Filip, WMC Foulkes, ...
Journal of chemical theory and computation 15 (3), 1728-1742, 2019
Sign problem in full configuration interaction quantum Monte Carlo: Linear and sublinear representation regimes for the exact wave function
JJ Shepherd, GE Scuseria, JS Spencer
Physical Review B 90 (15), 155130, 2014
Linked coupled cluster monte carlo
RST Franklin, JS Spencer, A Zoccante, AJW Thom
The Journal of Chemical Physics 144 (4), 2016
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