Puspita Dirgahayani
Puspita Dirgahayani
Associate Professor of Urban Transportation Planning and Policy, Urban and Regional Planning
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na itb.ac.id - Domača stran
Green economy and governance in cities: assessing good governance in key urban economic processes
JAP de Oliveira, CNH Doll, O Balaban, P Jiang, M Dreyfus, A Suwa, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 58, 138-152, 2013
Environmental co-benefits of public transportation improvement initiative: the case of Trans-Jogja bus system in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
P Dirgahayani
Journal of cleaner production 58, 74-81, 2013
The effect of transport demand management policy on the intention to use public transport: A case in Bandung, Indonesia
P Dirgahayani, H Sutanto
Case Studies on Transport Policy 8 (3), 1062-1072, 2020
Fostering partnerships towards sustainable urban mobility from the national to local level: Matsuyama, Japan and Yogyakarta, Indonesia
P Dirgahayani, F Nakamura
IATSS research 36 (1), 48-55, 2012
Tourism accessibility in protected islands: the case of the Komodo National Park, Indonesia
F Rahmafitria, P Dirgahayani, HPH Putro, A Rosyidie, D Hudalah
Tourism Review 78 (3), 966-985, 2023
Development of Methodology to Evaluate TOD Feasibility in Built-up Environment (Case Study: Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia)
P Dirgahayani, DN Choerunnisa
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 158 (1), 012019, 2018
The formation of network governance in accelerating the implementation of TOD: The case of Jakarta MRT Phase 1, Indonesia
P Dirgahayani, AP Yesuari, TR Wulansari, H Sutanto
Case Studies on Transport Policy 8 (4), 1412-1425, 2020
Does range or fiscal policies matter on EV adoption in Jakarta Metropolitan Area?
PF Belgiawan, DBE Dharmowijoyo, D Novizayanti, M Farda, EA Prasetio, ...
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 23, 101027, 2024
Tourist destination choice on five priority destinations of Indonesia during health crisis
BA Utari, S Arsallia, MA Ramdani, F Rahmafitria, PF Belgiawan, ...
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 32, 100880, 2024
Low Emission Zone (LEZ) expansion in Jakarta: acceptability and restriction preference
M Rizki, MZ Irawan, P Dirgahayani, PF Belgiawan, R Wihanesta
Sustainability 14 (19), 12334, 2022
Perceived neighborhood walkability and walking for particular purposes among motorcyclists in Bandung City, Indonesia
R Syafriharti, B Kombaitan, I Syabri, P Dirgahayani
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 16 (6), 4573-4581, 2021
Policy Elements to Upscale the Contribution of Urban Transit Initiatives on Sustainable Urban Transport: The Case of Bus Improvement Initiatives in Indonesia; UNU
P Dirgahayuni
UNU-IAS Working Paper, 2012
Measuring accessibility and island development in Ambon City
A Nurhaeny, M Miharja, P Pradono, P Dirgahayani
Island Studies Journal 16 (1), 373-387, 2021
Transisi Energi Terbarukan di Indonesia: Dinamika Kendaraan Listrik dengan Pendekatan Self-organization di Kota Jakarta
Z Ibad, SNA Muhammad, D Hudalah, P Dirgahayani
Jurnal Teknik Sipil 29 (2), 161-70, 2022
Study of public transport development in South Bali districts: Potential public transport mode
AB Putri, M Farda, SP Santosa, P Dirgahayani, PA Suthanaya, ...
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation Technology 4 (1), 9-21, 2021
Model reverse logistics system of plastic waste recycling at Indonesesia
H Suryana, G Yudoko, HPH Putro, P Dirgahayani
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1175 (1), 012195, 2019
Pengembangan Rute Sepeda Sesuai Standar Dan Kebutuhan Yang Mendukung Bike To Work Di Kota Bandung
N Mirakania, P Dirgahayani
Jurnal Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Kebijakan ITB, 2016
Identifikasi Faktor Utama yang Berpengaruh pada Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Sampah di Kecamatan Coblong, Kota Bandung
C Apryanti, P Dirgahayani
Jurnal Perencanan Wilayah dan Kota A SAPPK V4N3. Halaman, 886-894, 2015
Governance Challenges for Greening the Urban Economy: Understanding and Assessing the Links between Governance and Green Economy in Cities
JAAP de Oliveira, O Balaban, A Suwa, C Doll, P Jiang, M Dreyfus, ...
United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies, 2012
Towards Sustainable Transportation: Identification of Development Challenges of TOD area in Jakarta Metropolitan Area Urban Railway Projects
A Rosalin, B Kombaitan, D Zulkaidi, P Dirgahayani, I Syabri
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 328 (1), 012006, 2019
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