Timo Ojala
Timo Ojala
Professor of CSE, Center for Ubiquitous Computing, Faculty of ITEE, University of Oulu, Finland
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Multiresolution gray-scale and rotation invariant texture classification with local binary patterns
T Ojala, M Pietikainen, T Maenpaa
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 24 (7), 971-987, 2002
A comparative study of texture measures with classification based on feature distributions
T Ojala, M Pietikäinen, D Harwood
Pattern Recognition 29 (1), 51-59, 1996
Performance evaluation of texture measures with classification based on Kullback discrimination of distributions
T Ojala, M Pietikainen, D Harwood
Proc. 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 1994 …, 1994
Outex - A new framework for empirical evaluation of texture analysis algorithms
T Ojala, T Maenpaa, M Pietikainen, J Viertola, J Kyllonen, S Huovinen
Proc. 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2002 …, 2002
Gray scale and rotation invariant texture classification with local binary patterns
T Ojala, M Pietikäinen, T Mäenpää
Proc. Sixth European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2000), Dublin …, 2000
Rotation-invariant texture classification using feature distributions
M Pietikäinen, T Ojala, Z Xu
Pattern Recognition 33 (1), 43-52, 2000
Unsupervised texture segmentation using feature distributions
T Ojala, M Pietikäinen
Pattern Recognition 32 (3), 477-486, 1999
Unsupervised texture segmentation using feature distributions
T Ojala, M Pietikäinen
Technical Report CAR-TR-837, Center for Automation Research, University of …, 1996
Bluetooth and WAP push based location-aware mobile advertising system
L Aalto, N Göthlin, J Korhonen, T Ojala
Proc. Second International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and …, 2004
A generalized local binary pattern operator for multiresolution gray scale and rotation invariant texture classification
T Ojala, M Pietikäinen, T Mäenpää
Proc. Second International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition …, 2001
Cloudthings: A common architecture for integrating the internet of things with cloud computing
J Zhou, T Leppanen, E Harjula, M Ylianttila, T Ojala, C Yu, H Jin, LT Yang
Proc. 2013 IEEE 17th International Conference on Computer Supported …, 2013
Texture discrimination with multidimensional distributions of signed gray-level differences
T Ojala, K Valkealahti, E Oja, M Pietikäinen
Pattern Recognition 34 (3), 727-739, 2001
Texture discrimination with multidimensional distributions of signed gray level differences
T Ojala, K Valkealahti, E Oja, M Pietikäinen
Proc. 4th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2000), Taipei, Taiwan 2 …, 2000
Robust texture classification by subsets of local binary patterns
M Topi, O Timo, P Matti, S Maricor
Proc. 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2000 …, 2000
SmartLibrary – Location-aware mobile library service
M Aittola, T Ryhänen, T Ojala
Proc. Fifth International Symposium on Human Computer Interaction with …, 2003
Multipurpose interactive public displays in the wild: Three years later
T Ojala, V Kostakos, H Kukka, T Heikkinen, T Linden, M Jurmu, S Hosio, ...
Computer 45 (5), 42-49, 2012
Texture classification by center-symmetric auto-correlation, using Kullback discrimination of distributions
D Harwood, T Ojala, M Pietikäinen, S Kelman, L Davis
Pattern Recognition Letters 16 (1), 1-10, 1995
Citizen’s right to the digital city: Urban interfaces, activism, and placemaking
M Foth, M Brynskov, T Ojala
ISBN 978-981-287-919-6, Springer, Singapore, 2015
UBI-hotspot 1.0: Large-scale long-term deployment of interactive public displays in a city center
T Ojala, H Kukka, T Lindén, T Heikkinen, M Jurmu, S Hosio, F Kruger
Proc. Fifth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and …, 2010
Texture classification by multi-predicate Local Binary Pattern operators
M Topi, P Matti, O Timo
Proc. 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2000 …, 2000
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