Sergi Pérez-Jorge
Sergi Pérez-Jorge
Institute of Marine Research, Azores, Portugal
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Marine megafauna interactions with small-scale fisheries in the southwestern Indian Ocean: a review of status and challenges for research and management
AJ Temple, JJ Kiszka, SM Stead, N Wambiji, A Brito, CNS Poonian, ...
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 28, 89-115, 2018
Long-term social structure of long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) in the Strait of Gibraltar
R De Stephanis, P Verborgh, S Pérez, R Esteban, L Minvielle-Sebastia, ...
Acta Ethologica 11, 81-94, 2008
Survival rate, abundance, and residency of long‐finned pilot whales in the Strait of Gibraltar
P Verborgh, R De Stephanis, S Pérez, Y Jaget, C Barbraud, C Guinet
Marine Mammal Science 25 (3), 523-536, 2009
Diet of the social groups of long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) in the Strait of Gibraltar
R de Stephanis, S García-Tíscar, P Verborgh, R Esteban-Pavo, S Pérez, ...
Marine Biology 154, 603-612, 2008
Environmental drivers of large‐scale movements of baleen whales in the mid‐North Atlantic Ocean
S Pérez‐Jorge, M Tobeña, R Prieto, F Vandeperre, B Calmettes, ...
Diversity and Distributions 26 (6), 683-698, 2020
Use of blubber levels of progesterone to determine pregnancy in free-ranging live cetaceans
S Pérez, Á García-López, R De Stephanis, J Giménez, S García-Tiscar, ...
Marine Biology 158, 1677-1680, 2011
Can static habitat protection encompass critical areas for highly mobile marine top predators? Insights from coastal East Africa
S Perez-Jorge, T Pereira, C Corne, Z Wijtten, M Omar, J Katello, M Kinyua, ...
PLoS One 10 (7), e0133265, 2015
Effects of nature-based tourism and environmental drivers on the demography of a small dolphin population
S Pérez-Jorge, I Gomes, K Hayes, G Corti, M Louzao, M Genovart, D Oro
Biological Conservation 197, 200-208, 2016
What's a picture really worth? On the use of drone aerial imagery to estimate intertidal rocky shore mussel demographic parameters
I Gomes, L Peteiro, J Bueno-Pardo, R Albuquerque, S Pérez-Jorge, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 213, 185-198, 2018
Food talk: 40-Hz fin whale calls are associated with prey biomass
M Romagosa, S Pérez-Jorge, I Cascão, H Mouriño, P Lehodey, A Pereira, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1954), 20211156, 2021
Multi‐state open robust design applied to opportunistic data reveals dynamics of wide‐ranging taxa: the sperm whale case
RM Boys, C Oliveira, S Pérez‐Jorge, R Prieto, L Steiner, MA Silva
Ecosphere 10 (3), e02610, 2019
Estimating the cumulative effects of the nature-based tourism in a coastal dolphin population from southern Kenya
S Pérez-Jorge, M Louzao, D Oro, T Pereira, C Corne, Z Wijtten, I Gomes, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 140, 278-289, 2017
Cetacean research and citizen science in Kenya
MG Mwango’mbe, J Spilsbury, S Trott, J Nyunja, N Wambiji, T Collins, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 642399, 2021
Spatial variation in shark-inflicted injuries to Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) of the southwestern Indian Ocean.
MR Heithaus, JJ Kiszka, A Cadinouche, V Dulau‐Drouot, V Boucaud, ...
Marine Mammal Science 33 (1), 2017
Marine biological value along the Portuguese continental shelf; insights into current conservation and management tools
I Gomes, S Pérez-Jorge, L Peteiro, J Andrade, J Bueno-Pardo, V Quintino, ...
Ecological Indicators 93, 533-546, 2018
Seafloor geomorphic features as an alternative approach into modelling the distribution of cetaceans
B Claro, S Pérez-Jorge, S Frey
Ecological Informatics, 101092, 2020
Dive behavior and activity patterns of fin whales in a migratory habitat
CT Fonseca, S Pérez-Jorge, R Prieto, C Oliveira, M Tobeña, A Scheffer, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 875731, 2022
Impactos producidos por el tráfico marítimo en las poblaciones de cetáceos en el estrecho de Gibraltar
R De Stephanis, P Verborgh, N Pérez Gimeno, A Sánchez Cabanes, ...
Situación actual y previsiones de futuro. Dirección General para la …, 2005
Survival rate, abundance and residency of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Strait of Gibraltar
C Chico Portillo, C Jiménez Torres, S Pérez, P Verborgh, P Gauffier, ...
25th conference of the European Cetacean Society long-term datasets on …, 2011
Exposure to whale watching vessels affects dive ascents and resting behavior in sperm whales
C Oliveira, S Pérez-Jorge, R Prieto, I Cascão, PJ Wensveen, MA Silva
Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 914397, 2022
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