Anton V. Proskurnikov
Anton V. Proskurnikov
Druga imenaAnton Proskurnikov, A.V. Proskurnikov, АВ Проскурников
Professor (Associate) in Systems and Control
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A tutorial on modeling and analysis of dynamic social networks. Part I
AV Proskurnikov, R Tempo
Annual Reviews in Control 43, 65-79, 2017
Novel Multidimensional Models of Opinion Dynamics in Social Networks
SE Parsegov, AV Proskurnikov, R Tempo, NE Friedkin
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (5), 2270-2285, 2017
Opinion Dynamics in Social Networks with Hostile Camps: Consensus vs. Polarization
A Proskurnikov, A Matveev, M Cao
IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control 61 (6), 1524-1536, 2016
Network science on belief system dynamics under logic constraints
A N.E. Friedkin, Proskurnikov, R Tempo, SE Parsegov
Science 354 (6310), 322-326, 2016
A tutorial on modeling and analysis of dynamic social networks. Part II
AV Proskurnikov, R Tempo
Annual Reviews in Control 45, 166-190, 2018
A guiding vector field algorithm for path following control of nonholonomic mobile robots
YA Kapitanyuk, AV Proskurnikov, M Cao
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 26 (4), 1372 - 1385, 2018
Bounded confidence opinion dynamics: A survey
C Bernardo, C Altafini, A Proskurnikov, F Vasca
Automatica 159, 111302, 2024
Synchronization of Pulse-Coupled Oscillators and Clocks under Minimal Connectivity Assumptions
AV Proskurnikov, M Cao
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (11), 5873 - 5879, 2017
Average consensus in networks with nonlinearly delayed couplings and switching topology
AV Proskurnikov
Automatica 49 (9), 2928-2932, 2013
Problems and methods of network control
AV Proskurnikov, AL Fradkov
Automation and Remote Control 77, 1711-1740, 2016
Consensus and polarization in Altafini's model with bidirectional time-varying network topologies
A Proskurnikov, A Matveev, M Cao
53rd IEEE conference on decision and control, 2112-2117, 2014
Consensus in switching networks with sectorial nonlinear couplings: Absolute stability approach
A Proskurnikov
Automatica 49 (2), 488-495, 2013
Robust Implicit Networks via Non-Euclidean Contractions
S Jafarpour, A Davydov, AV Proskurnikov, F Bullo
Neural Information Processing Systems 2021 34, 2021
Opinion evolution in time-varying social influence networks with prejudiced agents
AV Proskurnikov, R Tempo, M Cao, NE Friedkin
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 11896-11901, 2017
Lyapunov Event-triggered Stabilization with a Known Convergence Rate
AV Proskurnikov, M Mazo Jr
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65 (2), 507-521, 2020
Learning hidden influences in large-scale dynamical social networks: A data-driven sparsity-based approach
C Ravazzi, F Dabbene, C Lagoa, AV Proskurnikov
IEEE Control Systems 41 (5), 61-103, 2021
A new model of opinion dynamics for social actors with multiple interdependent attitudes and prejudices
SE Parsegov, AV Proskurnikov, R Tempo, NE Friedkin
2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3475-3480, 2015
Stability of continuous-time consensus algorithms for switching networks with bidirectional interaction
AS Matveev, I Novinitsyn, AV Proskurnikov
2013 European Control Conference (ECC), 1872-1877, 2013
Popov-Type Criterion for Consensus in Nonlinearly Coupled Networks.
A Proskurnikov, A Matveev
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 45 (8), 1537-1548, 2015
Mathematical Structures in Group Decision-Making on Resource Allocation Distributions
NE Friedkin, AV Proskurnikov, W Mei, F Bullo
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 1377, 2019
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