Abeer Alwan
Abeer Alwan
Professor of Electrical Engineering, UCLA
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na ee.ucla.edu - Domača stran
Joint robust voicing detection and pitch estimation based on residual harmonics
T Drugman, A Alwan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.00459, 2019
An articulatory study of fricative consonants using magnetic resonance imaging
SS Narayanan, AA Alwan, K Haker
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 98 (3), 1325-1347, 1995
Age, sex, and vowel dependencies of acoustic measures related to the voice source
M Iseli, YL Shue, A Alwan
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 121 (4), 2283-2295, 2007
Adaptive mobile multimedia networks
A Alwan, R Bagrodia, N Bambos, M Gerla, L Kleinrock, J Short, ...
IEEE personal communications 3 (2), 34-51, 1996
Toward articulatory-acoustic models for liquid approximants based on MRI and EPG data. Part I. The laterals
SS Narayanan, AA Alwan, K Haker
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 101 (2), 1064-1077, 1997
Steady-state analysis of continuous adaptation in acoustic feedback reduction systems for hearing-aids
MG Siqueira, A Alwan
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 8 (4), 443-453, 2000
Toward articulatory-acoustic models for liquid approximants based on MRI and EPG data. Part II. The rhotics
A Alwan, S Narayanan, K Haker
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 101 (2), 1078-1089, 1997
Acoustic modeling of American English/r
CY Espy-Wilson, SE Boyce, M Jackson, S Narayanan, A Alwan
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 108 (1), 343-356, 2000
Optical phonetics and visual perception of lexical and phrasal stress in English
R Scarborough, P Keating, SL Mattys, T Cho, A Alwan
Language and speech 52 (2-3), 135-175, 2009
On the relationship between face movements, tongue movements, and speech acoustics
J Jiang, A Alwan, PA Keating, ET Auer, LE Bernstein
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2002, 1-15, 2002
A contribution to simulating a three-dimensional larynx model using the finite element method
M de Oliveira Rosa, JC Pereira, M Grellet, A Alwan
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 114 (5), 2893-2905, 2003
On the use of variable frame rate analysis in speech recognition
Q Zhu, A Alwan
2000 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2000
Reducing f0 frame error of f0 tracking algorithms under noisy conditions with an unvoiced/voiced classification frontend
W Chu, A Alwan
2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2009
A database of vocal tract resonance trajectories for research in speech processing
L Deng, X Cui, R Pruvenok, J Huang, S Momen, Y Chen, A Alwan
2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing …, 2006
Spoken language interaction with robots: Recommendations for future research
M Marge, C Espy-Wilson, NG Ward, A Alwan, Y Artzi, M Bansal, ...
Computer Speech & Language 71, 101255, 2022
Glottal source processing: From analysis to applications
T Drugman, P Alku, A Alwan, B Yegnanarayana
Computer Speech & Language 28 (5), 1117-1138, 2014
A model of dynamic auditory perception and its application to robust word recognition
B Strope, A Alwan
IEEE transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 5 (5), 451-464, 1997
An improved correction formula for the estimation of harmonic magnitudes and its application to open quotient estimation
M Iseli, A Alwan
2004 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech, and signal …, 2004
Variability in the relationships among voice quality, harmonic amplitudes, open quotient, and glottal area waveform shape in sustained phonation
J Kreiman, YL Shue, G Chen, M Iseli, BR Gerratt, J Neubauer, A Alwan
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 132 (4), 2625-2632, 2012
A nonlinear dynamical systems analysis of fricative consonants
SS Narayanan, AA Alwan
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 97 (4), 2511-2524, 1995
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