Daniel Miggins
Daniel Miggins
Argon Laboratory Manager, Oregon State University
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na coas.oregonstate.edu
Mesozoic orogenic gold mineralization in the Jiaodong Peninsula, China: A focused event at 120±2 Ma during cooling of pregold granite intrusions
L Zhang, RF Weinberg, LQ Yang, DI Groves, SX Sai, E Matchan, ...
Economic Geology 115 (2), 415-441, 2020
Depositional environments and cyclo-and chronostratigraphy of uppermost Carboniferous–Lower Triassic fluvial–lacustrine deposits, southern Bogda Mountains, NW China—A …
W Yang, Q Feng, Y Liu, N Tabor, D Miggins, JL Crowley, J Lin, S Thomas
Global and Planetary Change 73 (1-2), 15-113, 2010
New insights into Phanerozoic tectonics of South China: Early Paleozoic sinistral and Triassic dextral transpression in the east Wuyishan and Chencai domains, NE Cathaysia
J Li, Y Zhang, G Zhao, ST Johnston, S Dong, A Koppers, DP Miggins, ...
Tectonics 36 (5), 819-853, 2017
The VEI-7 Millennium eruption, Changbaishan-Tianchi volcano, China/DPRK: New field, petrological, and chemical constraints on stratigraphy, volcanology, and magma dynamics
B Pan, SL de Silva, J Xu, Z Chen, DP Miggins, H Wei
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 343, 45-59, 2017
Chronologic constraints on hominin dispersal outside Africa since 2.48 Ma from the Zarqa Valley, Jordan
G Scardia, F Parenti, DP Miggins, A Gerdes, AGM Araujo, WA Neves
Quaternary Science Reviews 219, 1-19, 2019
Paleo-tethys late triassic orogenic gold mineralization recorded by the Yidi’nan gold deposit, West Qinling, China
HC Yu, KF Qiu, SX Sai, DC McIntire, F Pirajno, DW Duo, DP Miggins, ...
Ore Geology Reviews 116, 103211, 2020
Magnetostratigraphy of upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) to lower Eocene strata of the Denver Basin, Colorado
JF Hicks, KR Johnson, JD Obradovich, DP Miggins, L Tauxe
Rocky Mountain Geology 38 (1), 1-27, 2003
Textures of auriferous quartz-sulfide veins and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the Rushan gold deposit: Implications for processes of ore-fluid infiltration in the eastern Jiaodong …
SX Sai, J Deng, KF Qiu, DP Miggins, L Zhang
Ore Geology Reviews 117, 103254, 2020
The Canary record of the evolution of the North Atlantic Pliocene: New 40Ar/39Ar ages and some notable palaeontological evidence
J Meco, AAP Koppers, DP Miggins, A Lomoschitz, JF Betancort
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 435, 53-69, 2015
Geologic map of Big Bend National Park, Texas
KJ Turner, ME Berry, WR Page, TM Lehman, RG Bohannon, RB Scott, ...
US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey, 2011
Extension and uplift of the northern Rio Grande Rift: Evidence from 40Ar/39Ar geochronology from the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, south-central Colorado and northern New Mexico
DP Miggins, RA Thompson, CL Pillmore, LW Snee, CR Stern
Reshuffling the Columbia River Basalt chronology—Picture Gorge Basalt, the earliest-and longest-erupting formation
EB Cahoon, MJ Streck, AAP Koppers, DP Miggins
Geology 48 (4), 348-352, 2020
Late Pleistocene to Holocene activity of Alchichica Maar volcano, eastern trans-Mexican volcanic belt
BC Tchamabé, G Carrasco-Núñez, DP Miggins, K Németh
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 97, 102404, 2020
Superplume mantle tracked isotopically the length of Africa from the Indian Ocean to the Red Sea
JM O’Connor, W Jokat, M Regelous, KF Kuiper, DP Miggins, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 5493, 2019
The Ilopango Tierra Blanca Joven (TBJ) eruption, El Salvador: volcano-stratigraphy and physical characterization of the major Holocene event of Central America
D Pedrazzi, I Sunye-Puchol, G Aguirre-Díaz, A Costa, VC Smith, M Poret, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 377, 81-102, 2019
Preliminary 40Ar 39Ar geochronology of igneous intrusions from Uvalde County, Texas defining a more precise eruption history for the southern Balcones Volcanic Province
DP Miggins, DV Smith, CD Blome
DIANE Publishing, 2004
Stratigraphy and Mesozoic–Cenozoic tectonic history of northern Sierra Los Ajos and adjacent areas, Sonora, Mexico
WR Page, F Gray, A Iriondo, D Miggins, RB Blodgett, F Maldonado, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 29 (3), 557-571, 2010
Ultraslow spreading and volcanism at the eastern end of Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
W Jokat, J O'Connor, F Hauff, AAP Koppers, DP Miggins
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 20 (12), 6033-6050, 2019
The Ilopango caldera complex, El Salvador: Origin and early ignimbrite-forming eruptions of a graben/pull-apart caldera structure
I Suñe-Puchol, GJ Aguirre-Díaz, P Dávila-Harris, DP Miggins, D Pedrazzi, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 371, 1-19, 2019
Permian igneous activity in southeastern Illinois and western Kentucky: Implications for tectonism and economic resources
RH Fifarek, FB Denny, LW Snee, DP Miggins
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 33 (6), 420, 2001
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