T. G. Mathia
T. G. Mathia
Druga imenaT. Mathia, Tadeusz Mathia, Thomas G. Mathia
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Wettability versus roughness of engineering surfaces
KJ Kubiak, MCT Wilson, TG Mathia, P Carval
Wear 271 (3-4), 523-528, 2011
Understanding and quantification of elastic and plastic deformation during a scratch test
V Jardret, H Zahouani, JL Loubet, TG Mathia
Wear 218 (1), 8-14, 1998
Recent trends in surface metrology
TG Mathia, P Pawlus, M Wieczorowski
Wear 271 (3-4), 494-508, 2011
Surface morphology in engineering applications: Influence of roughness on sliding and wear in dry fretting
KJ Kubiak, TW Liskiewicz, TG Mathia
Tribology International 44 (11), 1427-1432, 2011
Mechanism of boundary lubrication with zinc dithiophosphate
JM Georges, JM Martin, T Mathia, P Kapsa, G Meille, H Montes
Wear 53 (1), 9-34, 1979
The study of cylinder liner plateau honing process
P Pawlus, T Cieslak, T Mathia
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 209 (20), 6078-6086, 2009
Morphological characterisation of engineered surfaces by wavelet transform
SH Lee, H Zahouani, R Caterini, TG Mathia
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 38 (5-6), 581-589, 1998
Surface morphology and wettability of sandblasted PEEK and its composites
R Ourahmoune, M Salvia, TG Mathia, N Mesrati
Scanning: The Journal of Scanning Microscopies 36 (1), 64-75, 2014
Magnetotribology of ferromagnetic/ferromagnetic sliding couple
H Zaidi, M Amirat, J Frene, T Mathia, D Paulmier
Wear 263 (7-12), 1518-1526, 2007
Interface roughness effect on friction map under fretting contact conditions
KJ Kubiak, TG Mathia, S Fouvry
Tribology International 43 (8), 1500-1507, 2010
The errors of stylus methods in surface topography measurements
P Pawlus, M Wieczorowski, T Mathia
Zapol Sobczyk Sp. j., 2014
Multi-scale metrology of concrete surface morphology: Fundamentals and specificity
Ł Sadowski, TG Mathia
Construction and building materials 113, 613-621, 2016
Dropwise condensation heat transfer process optimisation on superhydrophobic surfaces using a multi-disciplinary approach
Z Khatir, KJ Kubiak, PK Jimack, TG Mathia
Applied Thermal Engineering 106, 1337-1344, 2016
Dynamics of contact line motion during the wetting of rough surfaces and correlation with topographical surface parameters
KJ Kubiak, MCT Wilson, TG Mathia, S Carras
Scanning 33 (5), 370-377, 2011
Influence of roughness on contact interface in fretting under dry and boundary lubricated sliding regimes
KJ Kubiak, TG Mathia
Wear 267 (1-4), 315-321, 2009
Oxide film formation in magnetized sliding steel/steel contact—analysis of the contact stress field and film failure mode
KJ Chin, H Zaidi, T Mathia
Wear 259 (1-6), 477-481, 2005
Friction and abrasive wear of UHWMPE sliding on ice
S Ducret, H Zahouani, A Midol, P Lanteri, TG Mathia
Wear 258 (1-4), 26-31, 2005
Wear resistant multilayer nanocomposite WC1− x/C coating on Ti–6Al–4V titanium alloy
W Pawlak, KJ Kubiak, BG Wendler, TG Mathia
Tribology International 82, 400-406, 2015
Characterisation of DLC coating adherence by scratch testing
H Zaidi, A Djamai, KJ Chin, T Mathia
Tribology International 39 (2), 124-128, 2006
Friction of threaded fasteners
WA Grabon, M Osetek, TG Mathia
Tribology International 118, 408-420, 2018
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