Tyler B. Mason
Rumination and eating disorder psychopathology: A meta-analysis
KE Smith, TB Mason, JM Lavender
Clinical psychology review 61, 9-23, 2018
Ecological momentary assessment in eating disorder and obesity research: a review of the recent literature
SG Engel, RD Crosby, G Thomas, D Bond, JM Lavender, T Mason, ...
Current psychiatry reports 18, 1-9, 2016
A systematic review of reviews of neurocognitive functioning in eating disorders: The state‐of‐the‐literature and future directions
KE Smith, TB Mason, JS Johnson, JM Lavender, SA Wonderlich
International Journal of Eating Disorders 51 (8), 798-821, 2018
Self-discrepancy theory as a transdiagnostic framework: A meta-analysis of self-discrepancy and psychopathology.
TB Mason, KE Smith, A Engwall, A Lass, M Mead, M Sorby, K Bjorlie, ...
Psychological bulletin 145 (4), 372, 2019
Effect of exposure to e-cigarettes with salt vs free-base nicotine on the appeal and sensory experience of vaping: a randomized clinical trial
AM Leventhal, DR Madden, N Peraza, SJ Schiff, L Lebovitz, L Whitted, ...
JAMA network open 4 (1), e2032757-e2032757, 2021
Male clinical norms and sex differences on the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI) and Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE‐Q)
KE Smith, TB Mason, SB Murray, S Griffiths, RC Leonard, CT Wetterneck, ...
International Journal of Eating Disorders 50 (7), 769-775, 2017
Minority stress and binge eating among lesbian and bisexual women
TB Mason, RJ Lewis
Journal of Homosexuality 62 (7), 971-992, 2015
Eating to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic and body weight change in young adults
TB Mason, J Barrington-Trimis, AM Leventhal
The Journal of adolescent health: official publication of the Society for …, 2020
Empirical investigation of a model of sexual minority specific and general risk factors for intimate partner violence among lesbian women.
RJ Lewis, TB Mason, BA Winstead, ML Kelley
Psychology of violence 7 (1), 110, 2017
Pathways to hazardous drinking among racially and socioeconomically diverse lesbian women: Sexual minority stress, rumination, social isolation, and drinking to cope
RJ Lewis, TB Mason, BA Winstead, M Gaskins, LB Irons
Psychology of women quarterly 40 (4), 564-581, 2016
A comparative network analysis of eating disorder psychopathology and co-occurring depression and anxiety symptoms before and after treatment
KE Smith, TB Mason, RD Crosby, L Cao, RC Leonard, CT Wetterneck, ...
Psychological Medicine 49 (2), 314-324, 2019
A daily diary study of perceived social isolation, dietary restraint, and negative affect in binge eating
TB Mason, KE Heron, AL Braitman, RJ Lewis
Appetite 97, 94-100, 2016
Network analysis: An innovative framework for understanding eating disorder psychopathology
KE Smith, RD Crosby, SA Wonderlich, KT Forbush, TB Mason, ...
International Journal of Eating Disorders 51 (3), 214-222, 2018
Psychological aggression in lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals' intimate relationships: A review of prevalence, correlates, and measurement issues
TB Mason, RJ Lewis, RJ Milletich, ML Kelley, JB Minifie, VJ Derlega
Aggression and violent behavior 19 (3), 219-234, 2014
Disordered eating and body image concerns among sexual minority women: A systematic review and testable model.
TB Mason, RJ Lewis, KE Heron
Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity 5 (4), 397, 2018
Minority stress, body shame, and binge eating among lesbian women: Social anxiety as a linking mechanism
TB Mason, RJ Lewis
Psychology of Women Quarterly 40 (3), 428-440, 2016
Profiles of binge eating: The interaction of depressive symptoms, eating styles, and body mass index
TB Mason, RJ Lewis
Eating disorders 22 (5), 450-460, 2014
Evaluating the role of digital intervention design in treatment outcomes and adherence to eTherapy programs for eating disorders: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
S Barakat, S Maguire, KE Smith, TB Mason, RD Crosby, S Touyz
International Journal of Eating Disorders 52 (10), 1077-1094, 2019
Ecological momentary assessment of eating and dietary intake behaviors in children and adolescents: A systematic review of the literature
TB Mason, B Do, S Wang, GF Dunton
Appetite 144, 104465, 2020
Individual differences in the impact of vicarious racism: African American students react to the George Zimmerman trial.
TB Mason, RS Maduro, VJ Derlega, DS Hacker, BA Winstead, ...
Cultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology 23 (2), 174, 2017
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