Marisol Osman
Marisol Osman
Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmósfera (CIMA/CONICET-UBA)
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Climate impacts of the El Niño–southern oscillation on South America
W Cai, MJ McPhaden, AM Grimm, RR Rodrigues, AS Taschetto, ...
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 1 (4), 215-231, 2020
Improvements in circumpolar Southern Hemisphere extratropical atmospheric circulation in CMIP6 compared to CMIP5
TJ Bracegirdle, CR Holmes, JS Hosking, GJ Marshall, M Osman, ...
Earth and Space Science 7 (6), e2019EA001065, 2020
Storyline description of Southern Hemisphere midlatitude circulation and precipitation response to greenhouse gas forcing
J Mindlin, TG Shepherd, CS Vera, M Osman, G Zappa, RW Lee, ...
Climate Dynamics 54, 4399-4421, 2020
Activity of the Southern Annular Mode during 2015–2016 El Niño event and its impact on Southern Hemisphere climate anomalies
CS Vera, M Osman
John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2018
Climate predictability and prediction skill on seasonal time scales over South America from CHFP models
M Osman, CS Vera
Climate Dynamics 49 (7), 2365-2383, 2017
Earth system science frontiers: an early career perspective
F Rauser, M Alqadi, S Arowolo, N Baker, J Bedard, E Behrens, N Dogulu, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98 (6), 1120-1127, 2017
Quantifying stratospheric biases and identifying their potential sources in subseasonal forecast systems
ZD Lawrence, M Abalos, B Ayarzagüena, D Barriopedro, AH Butler, ...
Weather and Climate Dynamics Discussions 2022, 1-37, 2022
Subseasonal prediction of the heat wave of December 2013 in Southern South America by the POAMA and BCC-CPS models
M Osman, MS Alvarez
Climate Dynamics 50 (1), 67-81, 2018
Combined effects of global warming and ozone depletion/recovery on Southern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation and regional precipitation
J Mindlin, TG Shepherd, C Vera, M Osman
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (12), e2021GL092568, 2021
Multi‐model assessment of sub‐seasonal predictive skill for year‐round Atlantic–European weather regimes
M Osman, R Beerli, D Büeler, CM Grams
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 149 (755), 2386-2408, 2023
Extreme and long-term drought in the La Plata Basin: event evolution and impact assessment until September 2022
G Naumann, G Podesta, J Marengo, J Luterbacher, D Bavera, ...
Publications Office of the European Union, 2023
Intraseasonal and low frequency processes contributing to the December 2013 heat wave in Southern South America
MS Alvarez, B Cerne, M Osman, CS Vera
Climate Dynamics 53, 4977-4988, 2019
Are we at risk of losing the current generation of climate researchers to data science?
S Jain, J Mindlin, G Koren, C Gulizia, C Steadman, GS Langendijk, ...
AGU Advances 3 (4), e2022AV000676, 2022
Calibration and combination of seasonal precipitation forecasts over South America using Ensemble Regression
M Osman, CAS Coelho, CS Vera
Climate Dynamics 57 (9), 2889-2904, 2021
Teleconnection patterns in the Southern Hemisphere represented by ECMWF and NCEP S2S project models and influences on South America precipitation
IFA Cavalcanti, NJC Barreto, MS Alvarez, M Osman, CAS Coelho
Meteorological Applications 28 (4), e2011, 2021
The Río de la Plata plume dynamics over the Southwestern Atlantic Continental Shelf and its link with the large scale atmospheric variability on interannual timescales
N Bodnariuk, CG Simionato, M Osman, M Saraceno
Continental Shelf Research 212, 104296, 2021
Predictability of the tropospheric circulation in the Southern Hemisphere from CHFP models
M Osman, CS Vera, FJ Doblas-Reyes
Climate dynamics 46 (7), 2423-2434, 2016
Forecasting soybean production to enhance climate services for Agriculture in Argentina
EO Thomasz, K Corfield, AS Vilker, M Osman
Climate Services 30, 100341, 2023
Assessment of seasonal soil moisture forecasts over Southern South America with emphasis on dry and wet events
PC Spennemann, JA Rivera, M Osman, AC Saulo, OC Penalba
Journal of Hydrometeorology 18 (8), 2297-2311, 2017
Interannual variability of the latitude of separation of the Brazil current: Teleconnections and oceanic Rossby waves propagation
N Bodnariuk, CG Simionato, M Saraceno, M Osman, LB Diaz
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 126 (10), e2021JC017557, 2021
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