Engin Yesil
Self tuning fuzzy PID type load and frequency controller
E Yeşil, M Güzelkaya, I Eksin
Energy Conversion and Management 45 (3), 377-390, 2004
Self-tuning of PID-type fuzzy logic controller coefficients via relative rate observer
M Güzelkaya, I Eksin, E Yeşil
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 16 (3), 227-236, 2003
Automatic generation control with fuzzy logic controllers in the power system including SMES units
A Demiroren, E Yesil
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 26 (4), 291-305, 2004
Interval Type-2 Fuzzy PID Load Frequency Controller Using Big Bang-Big Crunch Optimization
E Yesil
Applied Soft Computing 15, 100–112, 2014
An intelligent hybrid fuzzy PID controller
I Erenoglu, I Eksin, E Yesil, M Guzelkaya
European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, 62-67, 2006
Implementation of a new self-tuning fuzzy PID controller on PLC
O Karasakal, E Yesil, M Guzelkaya, I Eksin
Turk J Elec Engin 13 (2), 277-286, 2005
Online tuning of fuzzy PID controllers via rule weighing based on normalized acceleration
O Karasakal, M Guzelkaya, I Eksin, E Yesil, T Kumbasar
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 26 (1), 184–197, 2013
Type-2 fuzzy model based controller design for neutralization processes
T Kumbasar, I Eksin, M Guzelkaya, E Yesil
ISA transactions 51 (2), 277–287, 2012
Adaptive fuzzy model based inverse controller design using BB-BC optimization algorithm
T Kumbasar, I Eksin, M Guzelkaya, E Yesil
Expert Systems with Applications, 2011
Fuzzy PID Controllers: An Overview
E Yesil, M Guzelkaya, I Eksin
The Third Triennial ETAI International Conference on Applied Automatic …, 2003
Analysis of the performances of type-1, self-tuning type-1 and interval type-2 fuzzy PID controllers on the magnetic levitation system
A Sakalli, T Kumbasar, E Yesil, H Hagras
2014 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 1859-1866, 2014
Interval type-2 fuzzy inverse controller design in nonlinear IMC structure
T Kumbasar, I Eksin, M Guzelkaya, E Yesil
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 24 (6), 996-1005, 2011
Big Bang–Big Crunch Learning Method for Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
E Yesil, L Urbas
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 47, 729-738, 2010
Fuzzy cognitive maps learning using artificial bee colony optimization
E Yesil, C Ozturk, MF Dodurka, A Sakalli
2013 IEEE international conference on fuzzy systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 1-8, 2013
Inverse fuzzy model control with online adaptation via Big Bang-Big Crunch optimization
T Kumbasar, E Yesil, I Eksin, M Guzelkaya
Communications, Control and Signal Processing, 2008. ISCCSP 2008. 3rd …, 2008
An error-based on-line rule weight adjustment method for fuzzy PID controllers
O Karasakal, M Guzelkaya, I Eksin, E Yesil
Expert Systems with Applications, 2011
Two-stage learning based fuzzy cognitive maps reduction approach
MF Hatwágner, E Yesil, MF Dodurka, E Papageorgiou, L Urbas, LT Kóczy
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 26 (5), 2938-2952, 2018
Big Bang Big Crunch Optimization Method Based Fuzzy Model Inversion
T Kumbasar, İ Eksin, M Güzelkaya, E Yeşil
MICAI 2008: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 732-740, 2008
Internal model control based fuzzy gain scheduling technique of PID controllers
E Yesil, M Guzelkaya, I Eksin
Automation Congress, 2004. Proceedings. World 17, 501-506, 2004
A rule base modification scheme in fuzzy controllers for time-delay systems
HIM Genc, E Yesil, I Eksin, M Guzelkaya, OAI Tekin
Expert Systems with Applications 36 (4), 8476-8486, 2009
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