Andrea Garulli
Andrea Garulli
Professor of Control, University of Siena
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na ing.unisi.it - Domača stran
A bounded-error approach to piecewise affine system identification
A Bemporad, A Garulli, S Paoletti, A Vicino
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 50 (10), 1567-1580, 2005
Positive polynomials in control
D Henrion, A Garulli, ( Eds.)
Springer, 2005
Polynomially parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions for robust stability of polytopic systems: an LMI approach
G Chesi, A Garulli, A Tesi, A Vicino
IEEE transactions on Automatic Control 50 (3), 365-370, 2005
Homogeneous polynomial forms for robustness analysis of uncertain systems
G Chesi, A Garulli, A Tesi, A Vicino
Springer Science & Business Media, 2009
Recursive state bounding by parallelotopes
L Chisci, A Garulli, G Zappa
Automatica 32 (7), 1049-1055, 1996
Comparing different approaches to model error modeling in robust identification
W Reinelt, A Garulli, L Ljung
Automatica 38 (5), 787-803, 2002
A survey on switched and piecewise affine system identification
A Garulli, S Paoletti, A Vicino
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (16), 344-355, 2012
Homogeneous Lyapunov functions for systems with structured uncertainties
G Chesi, A Garulli, A Tesi, A Vicino
Automatica 39 (6), 1027-1035, 2003
Solving quadratic distance problems: an LMI-based approach
G Chesi, A Garulli, A Tesi, A Vicino
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 48 (2), 200-212, 2003
Collective circular motion of multi-vehicle systems
N Ceccarelli, M Di Marco, A Garulli, A Giannitrapani
Automatica 44 (12), 3025-3035, 2008
Mobile robot SLAM for line-based environment representation
A Garulli, A Giannitrapani, A Rossi, A Vicino
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2041-2046, 2005
Walking ahead: The headed social force model
F Farina, D Fontanelli, A Garulli, A Giannitrapani, D Prattichizzo
PloS one 12 (1), e0169734, 2017
Comparison of EKF and UKF for spacecraft localization via angle measurements
A Giannitrapani, N Ceccarelli, F Scortecci, A Garulli
IEEE Transactions on aerospace and electronic systems 47 (1), 75-84, 2011
Robust stability of time-varying polytopic systems via parameter-dependent homogeneous Lyapunov functions
G Chesi, A Garulli, A Tesi, A Vicino
Automatica 43 (2), 309-316, 2007
Localization of autonomous underwater vehicles by floating acoustic buoys: a set-membership approach
A Caiti, A Garulli, F Livide, D Prattichizzo
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 30 (1), 140-152, 2005
Models and techniques for electric load forecasting in the presence of demand response
A Garulli, S Paoletti, A Vicino
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 23 (3), 1087-1097, 2014
LMI‐based computation of optimal quadratic Lyapunov functions for odd polynomial systems
G Chesi, A Garulli, A Tesi, A Vicino
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2005
Output-feedback predictive control of constrained linear systems via set-membership state estimation
A Bemporad, A Garulli
International journal of control 73 (8), 655-665, 2000
A greedy approach to identification of piecewise affine models
A Bemporad, A Garulli, S Paoletti, A Vicino
International Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 97-112, 2003
Simultaneous localization and map building for a team of cooperating robots: a set membership approach
M Di Marco, A Garulli, A Giannitrapani, A Vicino
IEEE Transactions on robotics and automation 19 (2), 238-249, 2003
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