Recovery of Danish coastal ecosystems after reductions in nutrient loading: a holistic ecosystem approach B Riemann, J Carstensen, K Dahl, H Fossing, JW Hansen, HH Jakobsen, ... Estuaries and Coasts 39, 82-97, 2016 | 245 | 2016 |
Hypoxia in the Baltic Sea: biogeochemical cycles, benthic fauna, and management J Carstensen, DJ Conley, E Bonsdorff, BG Gustafsson, S Hietanen, ... Ambio 43, 26-36, 2014 | 243 | 2014 |
A welcome can of worms? Hypoxia mitigation by an invasive species J Norkko, DC Reed, K Timmermann, A Norkko, BG Gustafsson, ... Global Change Biology 18 (2), 422-434, 2012 | 243 | 2012 |
Mussels as a tool for mitigation of nutrients in the marine environment JK Petersen, B Hasler, K Timmermann, P Nielsen, DB Tørring, MM Larsen, ... Marine pollution bulletin 82 (1-2), 137-143, 2014 | 186 | 2014 |
Local effects of blue mussels around turbine foundations in an ecosystem model of Nysted off-shore wind farm, Denmark M Maar, K Bolding, JK Petersen, JLS Hansen, K Timmermann Journal of Sea Research 62 (2-3), 159-174, 2009 | 183 | 2009 |
The use of shellfish for eutrophication control JK Petersen, C Saurel, P Nielsen, K Timmermann Aquaculture International 24, 857-878, 2016 | 86 | 2016 |
A model study of the regulation of blue mussels by nutrient loadings and water column stability in a shallow estuary, the Limfjorden M Maar, K Timmermann, JK Petersen, KE Gustafsson, LM Storm Journal of Sea Research 64 (3), 322-333, 2010 | 64 | 2010 |
Modelling macrofaunal biomass in relation to hypoxia and nutrient loading K Timmermann, J Norkko, U Janas, A Norkko, BG Gustafsson, E Bonsdorff Journal of Marine Systems 105, 60-69, 2012 | 59 | 2012 |
Linking Arenicola marina irrigation behavior to oxygen transport and dynamics in sandy sediments K Timmermann, GT Banta, RN Glud | 59 | 2006 |
Benthic-pelagic coupling in coastal seas–Modelling macrofaunal biomass and carbon processing in response to organic matter supply E Ehrnsten, A Norkko, K Timmermann, BG Gustafsson Journal of Marine Systems 196, 36-47, 2019 | 49 | 2019 |
Water clarity and eelgrass responses to nitrogen reductions in the eutrophic Skive Fjord, Denmark J Carstensen, D Krause-Jensen, S Markager, K Timmermann, J Windolf Hydrobiologia 704, 293-309, 2013 | 49 | 2013 |
Mussel production as a nutrient mitigation tool for improving marine water quality K Timmermann, M Maar, K Bolding, J Larsen, P Nielsen, JK Petersen Aquaculture Environment Interactions 11, 191-204, 2019 | 45 | 2019 |
Streams or open sea? Tracing sources and effects of nutrient loadings in a shallow estuary with a 3D hydrodynamic–ecological model K Timmermann, S Markager, KE Gustafsson Journal of Marine Systems 82 (3), 111-121, 2010 | 42 | 2010 |
Reference state, structure, regime shifts, and regulatory drivers in a coastal sea over the last century: The Central Baltic Sea case MT Tomczak, B Müller‐Karulis, T Blenckner, E Ehrnsten, M Eero, ... Limnology and Oceanography 67, S266-S284, 2022 | 40 | 2022 |
Modeling of advective solute transport in sandy sediments inhabited by the lugworm Arenicola marina K Timmermann, JH Christensen, GT Banta | 40 | 2002 |
Mussel production and water framework directive targets in the Limfjord, Denmark: an integrated assessment for use in system-based management GE Dinesen, K Timmermann, E Roth, S Markager, L Ravn-Jonsen, ... Ecology and Society 16 (4), 2011 | 39 | 2011 |
Mussel farming can be used as a mitigation tool-A reply JK Petersen, K Timmermann, M Carlsson, M Holmer, M Maar, O Lindahl Marine Pollution Bulletin 64 (2), 452-454, 2012 | 36 | 2012 |
Virkemidler til realisering af 2. generations vandplaner og målrettet arealregulering J Eriksen, PN Jensen, BH Jacobsen, IK Thomsen, K Schelde, ... DCA-Nationalt Center for Fødevarer og Jordbrug,, 2014 | 35 | 2014 |
A spatial model for nutrient mitigation potential of blue mussel farms in the western Baltic Sea A Holbach, M Maar, K Timmermann, D Taylor Science of the Total Environment 736, 139624, 2020 | 31 | 2020 |
Effects of bioturbation on the fate of oil in coastal sandy sediments–An in situ experiment K Timmermann, GT Banta, L Klinge, O Andersen Chemosphere 82 (10), 1358-1366, 2011 | 29 | 2011 |