Sven Sebastian Uhlmann
Sven Sebastian Uhlmann
Senior Research Scientist, ILVO, Belgium
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na ilvo.vlaanderen.be
Individual and combined responses of stream ecosystems to multiple stressors
CR Townsend, SS Uhlmann, CD Matthaei
Journal of Applied Ecology 45 (6), 1810-1819, 2008
Mitigating unaccounted fishing mortality from gillnets and traps
SS Uhlmann, MK Broadhurst
Fish and Fisheries 16 (2), 183-229, 2015
Discarded fish in European waters: general patterns and contrasts
SS Uhlmann, ATM Van Helmond, E Kemp Stefánsdóttir, S Sigurðardóttir, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (5), 1235-1245, 2014
The European landing obligation: Reducing discards in complex, multi-species and multi-jurisdictional fisheries
SS Uhlmann, C Ulrich, SJ Kennelly
Springer Nature, 2019
Injury, reflex impairment, and survival of beam-trawled flatfish
SS Uhlmann, R Theunynck, B Ampe, M Desender, M Soetaert, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 73 (4), 1244-1254, 2016
Estimating incidental takes of shearwaters in driftnet fisheries: lessons for the conservation of seabirds
S Uhlmann, D Fletcher, H Moller
Biological conservation 123 (2), 151-163, 2005
Survival of undersized plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), sole (Solea solea), and dab (Limanda limanda) in North Sea pulse-trawl fisheries
KJ van der Reijden, P Molenaar, C Chen, SS Uhlmann, PC Goudswaard, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 (6), 1672-1680, 2017
How can discards in European fisheries be mitigated? Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of potential mitigation methods
S Sigurðardóttir, EK Stefánsdóttir, H Condie, S Margeirsson, TL Catchpole, ...
Marine Policy 51, 366-374, 2015
The optimal process of self‐sampling in fisheries: lessons learned in the Netherlandsa
M Kraan, S Uhlmann, J Steenbergen, ATM Van Helmond, L Van Hoof
Journal of Fish Biology 83 (4), 963-973, 2013
Mortality and blood loss by blue swimmer crabs (Portunus pelagicus) after simulated capture and discarding from gillnets
SS Uhlmann, MK Broadhurst, BD Paterson, DG Mayer, P Butcher, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 66 (3), 455-461, 2009
Requirements for documentation, data collection and scientific evaluations
D Rihan, SS Uhlmann, C Ulrich, M Breen, T Catchpole
The European Landing Obligation: Reducing Discards in Complex, Multi-Species …, 2019
Reducing discard mortality in an estuarine trawl fishery
MK Broadhurst, SS Uhlmann, RB Millar
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 364 (1), 54-61, 2008
Fisheries bycatch mortalities of sooty shearwaters (Puffinus griseus) and short-tailed shearwaters (P. tenuirostris)
S Uhlmann
Department of Conservation, 2003
Mortality of discards from southeastern Australian beach seines and gillnets
MK Broadhurst, RB Millar, CP Brand, SS Uhlmann
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 80 (1), 51-61, 2008
Short‐term stress and mortality of juvenile school prawns, Metapenaeus macleayi, discarded from seines and trawls
MK Broadhurst, SS Uhlmann
Fisheries Management and Ecology 14 (5), 353-363, 2007
Inter-rater reliability of categorical versus continuous scoring of fish vitality: does it affect the utility of the reflex action mortality predictor (RAMP) approach?
P Meeremans, N Yochum, M Kochzius, B Ampe, FAM Tuyttens, ...
PLoS One 12 (7), e0179092, 2017
A method of detecting patterns in mean lengths of samples of discarded fish, applied to the self-sampling programme of the Dutch bottom-trawl fishery
SS Uhlmann, SM Bierman, ATM Van Helmond
ICES Journal of Marine Science 68 (8), 1712-1718, 2011
Damage and partitioned mortality of teleosts discarded from two Australian penaeid fishing gears
SS Uhlmann, MK Broadhurst
Diseases of aquatic organisms 76 (3), 173-186, 2007
Modified sorting technique to mitigate the collateral mortality of trawled school prawns (Metapenaeus mocleayi).
MK Broadhurst, RB Millar, CP Brand, SS Uhlmann
Fishery Bulletin 107 (3), 2009
Flatfish survivors have tales to tell: Cold seawater and reduced deployment duration contribute to the survival of European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) discarded by Belgian …
SS Uhlmann, B Ampe, N Van Bogaert, CV Berghe, B Vanelslander
Fisheries Research 240, 105966, 2021
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