Fen Miao(苗芬)
Multiscaled fusion of deep convolutional neural networks for screening atrial fibrillation from single lead short ECG recordings
X Fan, Q Yao, Y Cai, F Miao, F Sun, Y Li
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 22 (6), 1744-1753, 2018
Long-term blood pressure prediction with deep recurrent neural networks
P Su, XR Ding, YT Zhang, J Liu, F Miao, N Zhao
2018 IEEE EMBS International conference on biomedical & health informatics …, 2018
Continuous blood pressure measurement from invasive to unobtrusive: Celebration of 200th birth anniversary of Carl Ludwig
XR Ding, N Zhao, GZ Yang, RI Pettigrew, B Lo, F Miao, Y Li, J Liu, ...
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 20 (6), 1455-1465, 2016
A novel continuous blood pressure estimation approach based on data mining techniques
F Miao, N Fu, YT Zhang, XR Ding, X Hong, Q He, Y Li
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 21 (6), 1730-1740, 2017
A wearable context-aware ECG monitoring system integrated with built-in kinematic sensors of the smartphone
F Miao, Y Cheng, Y He, Q He, Y Li
Sensors 15 (5), 11465-11484, 2015
Multi-sensor fusion approach for cuff-less blood pressure measurement
F Miao, ZD Liu, JK Liu, B Wen, QY He, Y Li
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 24 (1), 79-91, 2019
Continuous blood pressure measurement from one-channel electrocardiogram signal using deep-learning techniques
F Miao, B Wen, Z Hu, G Fortino, XP Wang, ZD Liu, M Tang, Y Li
Artificial intelligence in medicine 108, 101919, 2020
Predictive modeling of hospital mortality for patients with heart failure by using an improved random survival forest
F Miao, YP Cai, YX Zhang, XM Fan, Y Li
Ieee Access 6, 7244-7253, 2018
Identifying typical physical activity on smartphone with varying positions and orientations
F Miao, Y He, J Liu, Y Li, I Ayoola
Biomedical engineering online 14, 1-15, 2015
Cuffless blood pressure estimation using pressure pulse wave signals
ZD Liu, JK Liu, B Wen, QY He, Y Li, F Miao
Sensors 18 (12), 4227, 2018
Biometrics based novel key distribution solution for body sensor networks
F Miao, L Jiang, Y Li, YT Zhang
2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2009
Is random survival forest an alternative to cox proportional model on predicting cardiovascular disease?
F Miao, YP Cai, YT Zhang, CY Li
6th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and …, 2015
A noncontact ballistocardiography-based IoMT system for cardiopulmonary health monitoring of discharged COVID-19 patients
J Liu, F Miao, L Yin, Z Pang, Y Li
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (21), 15807-15817, 2021
Risk Prediction of One‐Year Mortality in Patients with Cardiac Arrhythmias Using Random Survival Forest
F Miao, YP Cai, YX Zhang, Y Li, YT Zhang
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2015 (1), 303250, 2015
Multiclass arrhythmia detection and classification from photoplethysmography signals using a deep convolutional neural network
Z Liu, B Zhou, Z Jiang, X Chen, Y Li, M Tang, F Miao
Journal of the American Heart Association 11 (7), e023555, 2022
Biometric key distribution solution with energy distribution information of physiological signals for body sensor network security
F Miao, SD Bao, Y Li
IET Information Security 7 (2), 87-96, 2013
A wearable sensor for arterial stiffness monitoring based on machine learning algorithms
F Miao, X Wang, L Yin, Y Li
IEEE Sensors Journal 19 (4), 1426-1434, 2018
A modified fuzzy vault scheme for biometrics-based body sensor networks security
F Miao, SD Bao, Y Li
2010 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference GLOBECOM 2010, 1-5, 2010
Cuffless blood pressure measurement using smartwatches: A large-scale validation study
ZD Liu, Y Li, YT Zhang, J Zeng, ZX Chen, ZW Cui, JK Liu, F Miao
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 27 (9), 4216-4227, 2023
CMDP-based intelligent transmission for wireless body area network in remote health monitoring
W Zang, F Miao, R Gravina, F Sun, G Fortino, Y Li
Neural computing and applications 32, 829-837, 2020
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