Arash Riasi
Modelling and evaluating customer loyalty using neural networks: Evidence from startup insurance companies
A Ansari, A Riasi
Future business journal 2 (1), 15-30, 2016
Competitive advantages of shadow banking industry: An analysis using Porter diamond model
A Riasi
Business management and strategy 6 (2), 15-27, 2015
An Investigation of Factors Affecting Brand Advertising Success and Effectiveness
A Ansari, A Riasi
International Business Research 9 (4), 20-30, 2016
Performance measurement and management research in the hospitality and tourism industry
M Altin, MA Koseoglu, X Yu, A Riasi
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 30 (2), 1172-1189, 2018
Identifying the barriers to Iran's saffron export by using Porter's diamond model
SF Amiri Aghdaie, M Seidi, A Riasi
International journal of marketing studies 4 (5), 129, 2012
Effects of online marketing on Iranian ecotourism industry: Economic, sociological, and cultural aspects
A Riasi, S Pourmiri
Management Science Letters 5 (10), 915-926, 2015
Effects of Hypothetical Iranian Accession to WTO on Iran's Flower Industry Development: Industry Opinions
A Riasi, SF Amiri Aghdaie
Consilience: The Journal of Sustainable Development 10 (1), 99-110, 2013
Customer Clustering Using a Combination of Fuzzy C-Means and Genetic Algorithms
A Ansari, A Riasi
International Journal of Business and Management 11 (7), 59-66, 2016
The relationship between principals’ reward power and their conflict management styles based on Thomas–Kilmann conflict mode instrument
A Riasi, N Asadzadeh
Management Science Letters 5 (6), 611-618, 2015
Examples of unsustainable tourism in Middle East
A Riasi, S Pourmiri
Environmental Management and Sustainable Development 5 (1), 69-85, 2016
Revenue management and length-of-stay-based room pricing
A Riasi, Z Schwartz, X Liu, S Li
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 58 (4), 393-399, 2017
Barriers to international supply chain management in Iranian flower industry
A Riasi
Management Science Letters 5 (4), 363-368, 2015
Taxonomy of Marketing Strategies Using Bank Customers’ Clustering
A Ansari, A Riasi
International Journal of Business and Management 11 (7), 106-119, 2016
How coercive and legitimate power relate to different conflict management styles: a case study of Birjand high schools
A Riasi, N Asadzadeh
Journal of studies in Education 6 (1), 147-159, 2016
A proposition-based theorizing approach to hotel cancellation practices research
A Riasi, Z Schwartz, CC Chen
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 30 (11), 3211-3228, 2018
A paradigm shift in revenue management? The new landscape of hotel cancellation policies
A Riasi, Z Schwartz, CC Chen
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 18, 434-440, 2019
Using decision trees to analyse the customers' shopping location preferences
A Ansari, A Riasi
International Journal of Business Excellence 18 (2), 174-202, 2019
Modelling the impact of activity in brand communities on loyalty
A Ansari, A Riasi
International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 14 (1), 1-18, 2020
Comparing the Performance of Different Data Mining Techniques in Evaluating Loan Applications
A Riasi, D Wang
International Business Research 9 (7), 164-187, 2016
Go moderate! How hotels' cancellation policies affect their financial performance
M Altin, CC Chen, A Riasi, Z Schwartz
Tourism Economics 29 (8), 2165-2182, 2023
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