Simon Nestler
Simon Nestler
Professor for Human-Computer-Interaction, Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
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Supporting casual interactions between board games on public tabletop displays and mobile devices
F Echtler, S Nestler, A Dippon, G Klinker
Personal and ubiquitous computing 13, 609-617, 2009
Crisis-related apps: Assistance for critical and emergency situations
I Karl, K Rother, S Nestler
International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and …, 2015
aperto-Ein Rahmenwerk zur Auswahl, Einführung und Optimierung von Corporate Social Software
A Richter, M Koch, S Behrendt, S Nestler, S Müller, S Herrlich
Universität der Bundeswehr München, Fakultät für Informatik, 2012
Using mobile hand-held computers in disasters
S Nestler, G Klinker
UbiComp Workshop on Interaction with Ubiquitous Wellness and Healthcare …, 2007
Timing concept for assistance of anticipatory driving
D Popiv, M Rakic, KJ Bengler, H Bubb, S Nestler
17th World Congress on Ergonomics, 2009
Collaborative problem solving on mobile hand-held devices and stationary multi-touch interfaces
S Nestler, F Echtler, A Dollinger, G Klinker
PPD'08. Workshop on designing multi-touch interaction techniques for coupled …, 2008
Evaluation der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion in Krisenszenarien/Evaluating human-computer-interaction in crisis scenarios
S Nestler
i-com 13 (1), 53-62, 2014
Concept for visualizing concealed objects to improve the driver’s anticipation
S Nestler, M Duschl, D Popiv, M Rakic, G Klinker
Proc. 17th World Congress on Ergonomics IEA, Beijing, China, 2009
Creating a common operation picture in realtime with user-centered interfaces for mass casualty incidents
E Artinger, P Maier, T Coskun, S Nestler, M Mähler, Y Yildirim-Krannig, ...
2012 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for …, 2012
Flächendeckende Kommunikation im Stromausfall durch regionale IKT
S Nestler
Mensch und Computer 2017-Workshopband, 10.18420/muc2017-ws01-0381, 2017
RFID based patient registration in mass casualty incidents
S Nestler, E Artinger, T Coskun, T Endres, G Klinker
GMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie 7 (1), 1-9, 2011
Assessing Qualitative Usability in life-threatening, timecritical and unstable Situations, 10
S Nestler, E Artinger, T Coskun, Y Yildirim-Krannig, S Schumann, ...
Workshop Mobile Informationstechnologien in der Medizin (MoCoMed 2010), 2010
Exploring multi-touch gestures for map interaction in mass casualty incidents.
E Artinger, T Coskun, M Schanzenbach, F Echtler, S Nestler, G Klinker
GI-Jahrestagung, 274, 2011
Development and evaluation of a virtual reality patient simulation (VRPS)
S Nestler, M Huber, F Echtler, A Dollinger, G Klinker
The 17-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics …, 2009
Towards adaptive user-interfaces: Developing mobile user-interfaces for the health care domain
S Nestler, G Klinker
Mobiles Computing in der Medizin (MoCoMed), 2007
Digital topographies. Using AR to represent archival material in Urban space
S Pranz, S Nestler, K Neuburg
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Changing Realities in a Dynamic World …, 2020
Begleiter und Helfer in der Not-Apps für Krisen und Gefahrenlagen
I Karl, K Rother, S Nestler
Mensch und Computer 2015–Workshopband, 29-35, 2015
Is it possible to interact with a handheld device while holding it in both hands?
T Coskun, S Nestler, E Artinger, A Benzina, G Klinker
INFORMATIK 2010. Service Science–Neue Perspektiven für die Informatik. Band …, 2010
Design and Development of Virtual Patients
S Nestler, A Dollinger, F Echtler, M Huber, G Klinker
Proc. Vierter Workshop Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität der GI-Fachgruppe VR/AR, 2007
Menschzentrierte Digi ta li sierung
S Nestler
Wiesbaden, 2022
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