Mid-frequency structural dynamics with parameter uncertainty A Sarkar, R Ghanem Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 191 (47-48), 5499-5513, 2002 | 161 | 2002 |
Reduced-order models for nonlinear vibrations of cylindrical shells via the proper orthogonal decomposition method M Amabili, A Sarkar, MP Paıdoussis Journal of Fluids and Structures 18 (2), 227-250, 2003 | 128 | 2003 |
Chaotic vibrations of circular cylindrical shells: Galerkin versus reduced-order models via the proper orthogonal decomposition method M Amabili, A Sarkar, MP Païdoussis Journal of Sound and Vibration 290 (3-5), 736-762, 2006 | 101 | 2006 |
Domain decomposition of stochastic PDEs: theoretical formulations A Sarkar, N Benabbou, R Ghanem International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 77 (5), 689-701, 2009 | 79 | 2009 |
Experimental case studies for uncertainty quantification in structural dynamics S Adhikari, MI Friswell, K Lonkar, A Sarkar Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 24 (4), 473-492, 2009 | 78 | 2009 |
Linear system identification using proper orthogonal decomposition M Khalil, S Adhikari, A Sarkar Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 21 (8), 3123-3145, 2007 | 59 | 2007 |
A cantilever conveying fluid: coherent modes versus beam modes A Sarkar, MP Paidoussis International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 39 (3), 467-481, 2004 | 58 | 2004 |
Critical earthquake input power spectral density function models for engineering structures CS Manohar, A Sarkar Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics 24 (12), 1549-1566, 1995 | 58 | 1995 |
A horizontal fluid-conveying cantilever: spatial coherent structures, beam modes and jumps in stability diagram MP Paıdoussis, A Sarkar, C Semler Journal of sound and vibration 280 (1-2), 141-157, 2005 | 56 | 2005 |
Nonlinear filters for chaotic oscillatory systems M Khalil, A Sarkar, S Adhikari Nonlinear Dynamics 55, 113-137, 2009 | 52 | 2009 |
Reduced models for the medium-frequency dynamics of stochastic systems R Ghanem, A Sarkar The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 113 (2), 834-846, 2003 | 51 | 2003 |
The estimation of time-invariant parameters of noisy nonlinear oscillatory systems M Khalil, A Sarkar, S Adhikari, D Poirel Journal of Sound and Vibration 344, 81-100, 2015 | 48 | 2015 |
Comparison of a simple approximation for multinormal integration with an importance sampling-based simulation method MD Pandey, A Sarkar Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 17 (2), 215-218, 2002 | 45 | 2002 |
A substructure approach for the midfrequency vibration of stochastic systems A Sarkar, R Ghanem The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 113 (4), 1922-1934, 2003 | 44 | 2003 |
A domain decomposition method of stochastic PDEs: An iterative solution techniques using a two-level scalable preconditioner W Subber, A Sarkar Journal of Computational Physics 257, 298-317, 2014 | 42 | 2014 |
Modal properties of a space-frame with localized system uncertainties R Ghanem, J Red-Horse, A Sarkar 8th ASCE Specialty Conference of Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural …, 2000 | 41 | 2000 |
Uncertainty in structural dynamics: Experimental validation of a Wishart random matrix model S Adhikari, A Sarkar Journal of Sound and Vibration 323 (3-5), 802-825, 2009 | 38 | 2009 |
Critical seismic vector random excitations for multiply supported structures A Sarkar, CS Manohar Journal of Sound and Vibration 212 (3), 525-546, 1998 | 37 | 1998 |
Effects of mooring line drag damping on response statistics of vessels excited by first-and second-order wave forces A Sarkar, RE Taylor Ocean engineering 27 (6), 667-686, 2000 | 34 | 2000 |
Bayesian parameter estimation and model selection for strongly nonlinear dynamical systems P Bisaillon, R Sandhu, M Khalil, C Pettit, D Poirel, A Sarkar Nonlinear Dynamics 82, 1061-1080, 2015 | 32 | 2015 |