Minoru Ikehara
Minoru Ikehara
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Reconstruction of paleoproductivity in the Sea of Okhotsk over the last 30 kyr
O Seki, M Ikehara, K Kawamura, T Nakatsuka, K Ohnishi, M Wakatsuchi, ...
Paleoceanography 19 (1), 2004
Ice-rafted debris (IRD)-based sea-ice expansion events during the past 100 kyrs in the Okhotsk Sea
T Sakamoto, M Ikehara, K Aoki, K Iijima, N Kimura, T Nakatsuka, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 52 (16-18), 2275-2301, 2005
Origin of magnetic mineral concentration variation in the Southern Ocean
T Yamazaki, M Ikehara
Paleoceanography 27 (2), 2012
Rapid fluctuation of alkenone temperature in the southwestern Okhotsk Sea during the past 120 ky
N Harada, N Ahagon, T Sakamoto, M Uchida, M Ikehara, Y Shibata
Global and Planetary Change 53 (1-2), 29-46, 2006
Aerobic microbial life persists in oxic marine sediment as old as 101.5 million years
Y Morono, M Ito, T Hoshino, T Terada, T Hori, M Ikehara, S D’Hondt, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 3626, 2020
Late Quaternary paleoceanographic changes in the southwestern Okhotsk Sea: evidence from geochemical, radiolarian, and diatom records
Y Okazaki, K Takahashi, K Katsuki, A Ono, J Hori, T Sakamoto, M Uchida, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 52 (16-18), 2332-2350, 2005
A 500,000 year record of Indian summer monsoon dynamics recorded by eastern equatorial Indian Ocean upper water-column structure
CT Bolton, L Chang, SC Clemens, K Kodama, M Ikehara, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 77, 167-180, 2013
Weak monsoon event at 4.2 ka recorded in sediment from Lake Rara, Himalayas
A Nakamura, Y Yokoyama, H Maemoku, H Yagi, M Okamura, H Matsuoka, ...
Quaternary International 397, 349-359, 2016
Coupled organic and inorganic carbon cycling in the deep subseafloor sediment of the northeastern Bering Sea Slope (IODP Exp. 323)
LM Wehrmann, N Risgaard-Petersen, HN Schrum, EA Walsh, Y Huh, ...
Chemical Geology 284 (3-4), 251-261, 2011
Middle Archean volcano-hydrothermal sequence: bacterial microfossil-bearing 3.2 Ga Dixon Island Formation, coastal Pilbara terrane, Australia
S Kiyokawa, T Ito, M Ikehara, F Kitajima
Geological Society of America Bulletin 118 (1-2), 3-22, 2006
Radiolarians under the seasonally sea-ice covered conditions in the Okhotsk Sea: flux and their implications for paleoceanography
Y Okazaki, K Takahashi, H Yoshitani, T Nakatsuka, M Ikehara, ...
Marine Micropaleontology 49 (3), 195-230, 2003
Deep-biosphere methane production stimulated by geofluids in the Nankai accretionary complex
A Ijiri, F Inagaki, Y Kubo, RR Adhikari, S Hattori, T Hoshino, H Imachi, ...
Science Advances 4 (6), eaao4631, 2018
Evidence of frictional melting from disk‐shaped black material, discovered within the Taiwan Chelungpu fault system
T Hirono, M Ikehara, K Otsuki, T Mishima, M Sakaguchi, W Soh, M Omori, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 33 (19), 2006
Biogenic opal indicating less productive northwestern North Pacific during the glacial ages
H Narita, M Sato, S Tsunogai, M Murayama, M Ikehara, T Nakatsuka, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 29 (15), 22-1-22-4, 2002
Precision of the current methods to measure the alkenone proxy U37K′ and absolute alkenone abundance in sediments: Results of an interlaboratory …
A Rosell‐Melé, E Bard, KC Emeis, JO Grimalt, P Müller, R Schneider, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 2 (7), 2001
Solar forcing of centennial-scale East Asian winter monsoon variability in the mid-to late Holocene
T Sagawa, M Kuwae, K Tsuruoka, Y Nakamura, M Ikehara, M Murayama
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 395, 124-135, 2014
A chemical kinetic approach to estimate dynamic shear stress during the 1999 Taiwan Chi‐Chi earthquake
T Hirono, T Yokoyama, Y Hamada, W Tanikawa, T Mishima, M Ikehara, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 34 (19), 2007
Variation of alkenone sea surface temperature in the Sea of Okhotsk over the last 85 kyrs
O Seki, K Kawamura, M Ikehara, T Nakatsuka, T Oba
Organic Geochemistry 35 (3), 347-354, 2004
Abrupt changes of intermediate water properties on the northeastern slope of the Bering Sea during the last glacial and deglacial period
SF Rella, R Tada, K Nagashima, M Ikehara, T Itaki, K Ohkushi, ...
Paleoceanography 27 (3), 2012
Alkenone sea surface temperature in the Southern Ocean for the last two deglaciations
M Ikehara, K Kawamura, N Ohkouchi, K Kimoto, M Murayama, ...
Geophysical research letters 24 (6), 679-682, 1997
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