陈保冬 CHEN Baodong
陈保冬 CHEN Baodong
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na rcees.ac.cn
Arbuscular mycorrhiza and soil nitrogen cycling
SD Veresoglou, B Chen, MC Rillig
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 46, 53-62, 2012
The role of arbuscular mycorrhiza in zinc uptake by red clover growing in a calcareous soil spiked with various quantities of zinc
BD Chen, XL Li, HQ Tao, P Christie, MH Wong
Chemosphere 50 (6), 839-846, 2003
Arbuscular mycorrhiza can depress translocation of zinc to shoots of host plants in soils moderately polluted with zinc
P Christie, X Li, B Chen
Plant and Soil 261 (1), 209-217, 2004
First cloning and characterization of two functional aquaporin genes from an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices
T Li, YJ Hu, ZP Hao, H Li, YS Wang, BD Chen
New Phytologist 197 (2), 617-630, 2013
Effects of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae on growth and metal uptake by four plant species in copper mine tailings
BD Chen, YG Zhu, J Duan, XY Xiao, SE Smith
Environmental Pollution 147 (2), 374-380, 2007
Plant diversity represents the prevalent determinant of soil fungal community structure across temperate grasslands in northern China
YL Chen, TL Xu, SD Veresoglou, HW Hu, ZP Hao, YJ Hu, L Liu, Y Deng, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 110, 12-21, 2017
Land use influences arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in the farming–pastoral ecotone of northern China
D Xiang, E Verbruggen, Y Hu, SD Veresoglou, MC Rillig, W Zhou, T Xu, ...
New Phytologist 204 (4), 968-978, 2014
Soil organic carbon and soil structure are driving microbial abundance and community composition across the arid and semi-arid grasslands in northern China
Y Hu, D Xiang, SD Veresoglou, F Chen, Y Chen, Z Hao, X Zhang, B Chen
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 77, 51-57, 2014
The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae gives contradictory effects on phosphorus and arsenic acquisition by Medicago sativa Linn
B Chen, X Xiao, YG Zhu, FA Smith, ZM Xie, SE Smith
Science of the Total Environment 379 (2-3), 226-234, 2007
Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis and active ingredients of medicinal plants: current research status and prospectives
Y Zeng, LP Guo, BD Chen, ZP Hao, JY Wang, LQ Huang, G Yang, XM Cui, ...
Mycorrhiza 23, 253-265, 2013
Influence of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae on uptake of arsenate by the As hyperaccumulator fern Pteris vittata L.
Y Liu, YG Zhu, BD Chen, P Christie, XL Li
Mycorrhiza 15, 187-192, 2005
Relative importance of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (Rhizophagus intraradices) and root hairs in plant drought tolerance
T Li, G Lin, X Zhang, Y Chen, S Zhang, B Chen
Mycorrhiza 24, 595-602, 2014
Arbuscular mycorrhiza enhanced arsenic resistance of both white clover (Trifolium repens Linn.) and ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) plants in an arsenic-contaminated soil
Y Dong, YG Zhu, FA Smith, Y Wang, B Chen
Environmental Pollution 155 (1), 174-181, 2008
Six-year fertilization modifies the biodiversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a temperate steppe in Inner Mongolia
YL Chen, X Zhang, JS Ye, HY Han, SQ Wan, BD Chen
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 69, 371-381, 2014
Responses of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea to nitrogen fertilization and precipitation increment in a typical temperate steppe in Inner Mongolia
Y Chen, Z Xu, H Hu, Y Hu, Z Hao, Y Jiang, B Chen
Applied Soil Ecology 68, 36-45, 2013
A modified glass bead compartment cultivation system for studies on nutrient and trace metal uptake by arbuscular mycorrhiza
B Chen, P Christie, X Li
Chemosphere 42 (2), 185-192, 2001
Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation on uranium and arsenic accumulation by Chinese brake fern (Pteris vittata L.) from a uranium mining-impacted soil
BD Chen, YG Zhu, FA Smith
Chemosphere 62 (9), 1464-1473, 2006
Branching out: towards a trait-based understanding of fungal ecology
CA Aguilar-Trigueros, S Hempel, JR Powell, IC Anderson, J Antonovics, ...
Fungal Biology Reviews 29 (1), 34-41, 2015
Effects of soil moisture and plant interactions on the soil microbial community structure
MM Chen, YG Zhu, YH Su, BD Chen, BJ Fu, P Marschner
European journal of soil biology 43 (1), 31-38, 2007
Mycorrhiza and root hairs in barley enhance acquisition of phosphorus and uranium from phosphate rock but mycorrhiza decreases root to shoot uranium transfer
B Chen, P Roos, OK Borggaard, YG Zhu, I Jakobsen
New Phytologist 165 (2), 591-598, 2005
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