Using eye tracking to trace a cognitive process: Gaze behaviour during decision making in a natural environment K Gidlöf, A Wallin, R Dewhurst, K Holmqvist Journal of eye movement research 6 (1), 2013 | 268 | 2013 |
Looking is buying. How visual attention and choice are affected by consumer preferences and properties of the supermarket shelf K Gidlöf, A Anikin, M Lingonblad, A Wallin Appetite 116, 29-38, 2017 | 212 | 2017 |
Incidence of ROP in two consecutive Swedish population based studies E Larsson, B Carle-Petrelius, G Cernerud, L Ots, A Wallin, G Holmström British journal of ophthalmology 86 (10), 1122-1126, 2002 | 127 | 2002 |
Swedish national register for retinopathy of prematurity (SWEDROP) and the evaluation of screening in Sweden GE Holmström, A Hellström, PG Jakobsson, P Lundgren, K Tornqvist, ... Archives of Ophthalmology 130 (11), 1418-1424, 2012 | 114 | 2012 |
Aggressive posterior retinopathy of prematurity is associated with multiple infectious episodes and thrombocytopenia P Lundgren, L Lundberg, G Hellgren, G Holmström, AL Hård, LE Smith, ... Neonatology 111 (1), 79-85, 2016 | 85 | 2016 |
Increased frequency of retinopathy of prematurity over the last decade and significant regional differences G Holmström, K Tornqvist, A Al‐Hawasi, Å Nilsson, A Wallin, A Hellström Acta ophthalmologica 96 (2), 142-148, 2018 | 79 | 2018 |
New modifications of Swedish ROP guidelines based on 10-year data from the SWEDROP register G Holmström, A Hellström, L Gränse, M Saric, B Sunnqvist, A Wallin, ... British Journal of Ophthalmology 104 (7), 943-949, 2020 | 73 | 2020 |
From Meehl to fast and frugal heuristics (and back) new insights into how to bridge the clinical—actuarial divide KV Katsikopoulos, T Pachur, E Machery, A Wallin Theory & Psychology 18 (4), 443-464, 2008 | 71 | 2008 |
Screening for retinopathy of prematurity in infants born before 27 weeks' gestation in Sweden D Austeng, KBM Källen, A Hellström, PG Jakobsson, K Johansson, ... Archives of ophthalmology 129 (2), 167-172, 2011 | 69 | 2011 |
Climate change, values, and the cultural cognition thesis J Persson, NE Sahlin, A Wallin Environmental Science & Policy 52, 1-5, 2015 | 68 | 2015 |
Understanding risk in forest ecosystem services: implications for effective risk management, communication and planning K Blennow, J Persson, A Wallin, N Vareman, E Persson Forestry 87 (2), 219-228, 2014 | 68 | 2014 |
Evaluation of new guidelines for ROP screening in Sweden using SWEDROP–a national quality register G Holmström, A Hellström, P Jakobsson, P Lundgren, K Tornqvist, ... Acta ophthalmologica 93 (3), 265-268, 2015 | 67 | 2015 |
Five years of treatment for retinopathy of prematurity in Sweden: results from SWEDROP, a national quality register G Holmström, A Hellström, P Jakobsson, P Lundgren, K Tornqvist, ... British Journal of Ophthalmology 100 (12), 1656-1661, 2016 | 50 | 2016 |
Does causal knowledge help us be faster and more frugal in our decisions? R Garcia-Retamero, A Wallin, A Dieckmann Memory & cognition 35, 1399-1409, 2007 | 50 | 2007 |
Prevalence of severe visual disability among preterm children with retinopathy of prematurity and association with adherence to best practice guidelines M Norman, A Hellström, B Hallberg, A Wallin, P Gustafson, K Tornqvist, ... JAMA Network Open 2 (1), e186801-e186801, 2019 | 44 | 2019 |
Eco depletion: The impact of hunger on prosociality by means of environmentally friendly attitudes and behavior K Gidlöf, ES Lahm, A Wallin, T Otterbring Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 62, 102654, 2021 | 41 | 2021 |
Decision science: from Ramsey to dual process theories NE Sahlin, A Wallin, J Persson Synthese 172, 129-143, 2010 | 41 | 2010 |
How information availability interacts with visual attention during judgment and decision tasks P Pärnamets, R Johansson, K Gidlöf, A Wallin Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 29 (2-3), 218-231, 2016 | 35 | 2016 |
Treatment for retinopathy of prematurity in infants born before 27 weeks of gestation in Sweden D Austeng, KBM Källen, UW Ewald, A Wallin, GE Holmström British journal of ophthalmology 94 (9), 1136-1139, 2010 | 32 | 2010 |
Effects of anti-versus pro-vaccine narratives on responses by recipients varying in numeracy: A cross-sectional survey-based experiment W Bruine de Bruin, A Wallin, AM Parker, JN Strough, J Hanmer Medical Decision Making 37 (8), 860-870, 2017 | 30 | 2017 |