Livia Nascimento de Matos
Livia Nascimento de Matos
Médica do Prevenir/ IAMSPE
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na iamspe.sp.gov.br
Latitudinal gradients in growth and spawning of sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, and their relationship with temperature and photoperiod
C Vinagre, T Ferreira, L Matos, MJ Costa, HN Cabral
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 81 (3), 375-380, 2009
Impact of continuous positive airway pressure treatment on left atrial volume and function in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea assessed by real-time three-dimensional …
W Oliveira, O Campos, F Cintra, L Matos, MLC Vieira, B Rollim, L Fujita, ...
Heart 95 (22), 1872-1878, 2009
Correlation of anthropometric indicators for identifying insulin sensitivity and resistance
LN Matos, GV Giorelli, CB Dias
Sao Paulo Medical Journal 129, 30-35, 2011
Rede de infarto com supradesnivelamento de ST: sistematização em 205 casos diminui eventos clínicos na rede pública
ACV Caluza, AH Barbosa, I Gonçalves, CAL Oliveira, LN Matos, ...
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 99, 1040-1048, 2012
ST-Elevation myocardial infarction network: systematization in 205 cases reduced clinical events in the public health care system
ACV Caluza, AH Barbosa, I Gonçalves, CAL Oliveira, LN Matos, ...
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 99, 1040-1048, 2012
Ankle-brachial index as a predictor of coronary disease events in elderly patients submitted to coronary angiography
EDE Papa, I Helber, MR Ehrlichmann, CMR Alves, M Makdisse, LN Matos, ...
Clinics 68 (12), 1481-1487, 2013
Effects of ezetimibe on markers of synthesis and absorption of cholesterol in high-risk patients with elevated C-reactive protein
SP Barbosa, LC Lins, FA Fonseca, LN Matos, AC Aguirre, HT Bianco, ...
Life Sciences 92 (14-16), 845-851, 2013
Effects of ezetimibe on endothelial progenitor cells and microparticles in high-risk patients
LCA Lins, CN França, FAH Fonseca, SPM Barbosa, LN Matos, AC Aguirre, ...
Cell biochemistry and biophysics 70, 687-696, 2014
No association between 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and prediabetes in Brazilian patients. A cross-sectional study
GV Giorelli, LN Matos, A Saado, VL Soibelman, CB Dias
Sao Paulo Medical Journal 133 (2), 73-77, 2014
Systematic review: Techniques and methods of urban monitoring in intelligent transport systems
S Lima, S Barbosa, P Palmeira, L Matos, I Secundo, R Nascimento
ICWMC 2017 17, 9, 2017
Prevalence of prediabetes in patients with metabolic risk
LN Matos, GV Giorelli, A Saado, CB Dias
Sao Paulo Medical Journal 129, 300-308, 2011
Predictors of low quality of life after open inguinal hernia repair using the EuraHS-QoL score: prospective multicentric cohort study across 33 hospitals
Hernia 26 (1), 225-232, 2022
Complicações vasculares em pacientes submetidos a intervenção coronária percutânea precoce por via femoral após fibrinólise com tenecteplase: registro de 199 pacientes
MPM Gomes Junior, FJA Falcão, CMR Alves, JMA Sousa, JL Herrmann, ...
Revista Brasileira de Cardiologia Invasiva 20, 274-281, 2012
Transição da escola para a vida adulta: uma experiência de aprendizagem integrada
A Valério, L Matos, M Marques
Direcção Geral da Inovação e do Desenvolvimento Curricular, 1-10, 2006
Um Novo Modelo de Acesso à Inovação em Saúde Baseado em Resultados
E Alves, RG Francisco, L Costa, L Matos, RB Leite, V Herdeiro
Bost Consult Gr 26, 2016
Correlação dos indicadores antropométricos em identificar a sensibilidade e resistência insulínicas
LN Matos, GV Giorelli, CB Dias
Sao Paulo Medical Journal 129, 30-35, 2011
A targeted survey on teachers’ perception of training/education for blood donation in high school students: An invited case report for enhancing and retention of dedicated …
L Matos, I Morgado, L Santos, R Camisa, P Benvindo, P Pereira
Transfusion and Apheresis Science 63 (1), 103876, 2024
Pharmaco invasive therapy in STEMI patients in emerging countries, different from the developed world, could decrease mortality compared to usual treatment
LN Matos, AC Carvalho, IG Jr, A Barbosa, E Tarkieltaub, AC Moreno, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 61 (10S), E61-E61, 2013
Necessidades Especiais de Educação: Práticas de Sucesso
AC Carvalho, AP Garrido, A Valério, C Onofre, IM Filipe, L Matos, ...
Lisboa: Ministério da Educação, 2006
Are emergency cardiologic cases originating from ambulance calls different from light ER outposts? Analysis of 64002 pre-hospital ECGs
LN Matos, I Goncalves Jr, E Moraes, AE Rodrigues, ACC Moreno, ...
EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL 32, 348-349, 2011
Sistem trenutno ne more izvesti postopka. Poskusite znova pozneje.
Članki 1–20