Radek Kolman
Radek Kolman
Institute of Thermomechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences and The College of Polytechnics
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Residual stress analysis of additive manufacturing of metallic parts using ultrasonic waves: State of the art review
R Acevedo, P Sedlak, R Kolman, M Fredel
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 9 (4), 9457-9477, 2020
Using finite element method for the determination of elastic moduli by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy
J Plesek, R Kolman, M Landa
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 116 (1), 282-287, 2004
Dispersion of elastic waves in the contact–impact problem of a long cylinder
D Gabriel, J Plešek, R Kolman, F Valeš
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 234 (6), 1930-1936, 2010
Complex wavenumber Fourier analysis of the B-spline based finite element method
R Kolman, J Plešek, M Okrouhlík
Wave Motion 51 (2), 348-359, 2014
Temporal‐spatial dispersion and stability analysis of finite element method in explicit elastodynamics
R Kolman, J Plešek, J Červ, M Okrouhlík, P Pařík
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 106 (2), 113-128, 2016
Inverse mass matrix via the method of localized Lagrange multipliers
JA González, R Kolman, SS Cho, CA Felippa, KC Park
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 113 (2), 277-295, 2018
Grid dispersion analysis of plane square biquadratic serendipity finite elements in transient elastodynamics
R Kolman, J Plešek, M Okrouhlík, D Gabriel
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 96 (1), 1-28, 2013
Convergence study of isogeometric analysis based on Bézier extraction in electronic structure calculations
R Cimrman, M Novák, R Kolman, M Tůma, J Plešek, J Vackář
Applied Mathematics and Computation 319, 138-152, 2018
B-spline based finite element method in one-dimensional discontinuous elastic wave propagation
R Kolman, M Okrouhlík, A Berezovski, D Gabriel, J Kopačka, J Plešek
Applied Mathematical Modelling 46, 382-395, 2017
Isogeometric analysis in electronic structure calculations
R Cimrman, M Novák, R Kolman, M Tůma, J Vackář
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 145, 125-135, 2018
Meshfree reduced order model for turbomachinery blade flutter analysis
CS Prasad, R Kolman, L Pešek
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 222, 107222, 2022
On stability and reflection‐transmission analysis of the bipenalty method in contact‐impact problems: A one‐dimensional, homogeneous case study
J Kopačka, A Tkachuk, D Gabriel, R Kolman, M Bischoff, J Plešek
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 113 (10), 1607-1629, 2018
Inverse mass matrix for isogeometric explicit transient analysis via the method of localized Lagrange multipliers
JA González, J Kopačka, R Kolman, SS Cho, KC Park
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 117 (9), 939-966, 2019
Efficient implementation of an explicit partitioned shear and longitudinal wave propagation algorithm
R Kolman, SS Cho, KC Park
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 107 (7), 543-579, 2016
Isogeometric analysis of free vibration of simple shaped elastic samples
R Kolman, S Sorokin, B Bastl, J Kopačka, J Plešek
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137 (4), 2089-2100, 2015
Fine tuning of optical transition energy of twisted bilayer graphene via interlayer distance modulation
E del Corro, M Peña-Alvarez, K Sato, A Morales-Garcia, M Bousa, ...
Physical Review B 95 (8), 085138, 2017
Partitioned formulation of contact‐impact problems with stabilized contact constraints and reciprocal mass matrices
JA González, J Kopačka, R Kolman, KC Park
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 122 (17), 4609-4636, 2021
Bi-penalty stabilized technique with predictor–corrector time scheme for contact-impact problems of elastic bars
R Kolman, J Kopačka, JA González, SS Cho, KC Park
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 189, 305-324, 2021
Dynamic hardening of AISI 304 steel at a wide range of strain rates and its application to shot peening simulation
S Lee, K Yu, H Huh, R Kolman, X Arnoult
Metals 12 (3), 403, 2022
Explicit multistep time integration for discontinuous elastic stress wave propagation in heterogeneous solids
SS Cho, R Kolman, JA González, KC Park
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 118 (5), 276-302, 2019
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