Caitlin Malloy
Differences in the right inferior longitudinal fasciculus but no general disruption of white matter tracts in children with autism spectrum disorder
K Koldewyn, A Yendiki, S Weigelt, H Gweon, J Julian, H Richardson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (5), 1981-1986, 2014
Sequential associations between caregiver talk and child play in autism spectrum disorder and typical development
K Bottema‐Beutel, C Malloy, BP Lloyd, R Louick, L Joffe‐Nelson, ...
Child development 89 (3), e157-e166, 2018
Response patterns in the developing social brain are organized by social and emotion features and disrupted in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder
H Richardson, H Gweon, D Dodell-Feder, C Malloy, H Pelton, B Keil, ...
cortex 125, 12-29, 2020
Friendship expectations may be similar for mental age-matched children with autism spectrum disorder and typically developing children
K Bottema-Beutel, C Malloy, J Cuda, SY Kim, JP MacEvoy
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 49, 4346-4354, 2019
Associations between classroom language composition, teacher social-emotional support, and dual language learning preschoolers’ social behavior
C Malloy
Early Education and Development 30 (4), 439-455, 2019
Responses to vignettes depicting friendship transgressions: Similarities and differences in children with and without autism spectrum disorder
K Bottema-Beutel, C Malloy, J Cuda, SY Kim, J MacEvoy
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 49, 4709-4720, 2019
“They can even make waiting in line fun”: A quantitative content analysis of autistic children's friendship conceptualizations
C Malloy, J Cuda, SY Kim, K Bottema‐Beutel
Psychology in the Schools 57 (6), 973-989, 2020
English expressive narrative skill matters for sociodramatic play in classrooms with multiple home languages represented
C Malloy
Early Education and Development 32 (7), 1016-1032, 2021
Does peer group membership relate to sociodramatic play engagement? A social ethological approach
C Malloy
International Journal of Psychology 56 (5), 716-720, 2021
Insights into student skills, peer networks, and sociodramatic play in Head Start
CT Malloy
Boston College, 2019
Social support
C Malloy, ES Keefe, K Bottema-Beutel
The SAGE encyclopedia of intellectual and developmental disorders, 1516-1520, 2018
A Quantitative Content Analysis of Autistic Children’s Friendship Conceptualizations: Expectations and Transgressions
JC Pierce, C Malloy, S Kim, K Bottema-Beutel
INSAR 2020 Virtual Meeting, 0
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