Probabilistic robotics S Thrun Communications of the ACM 45 (3), 52-57, 2002 | 14678 | 2002 |
Dermatologist-level classification of skin cancer with deep neural networks A Esteva, B Kuprel, RA Novoa, J Ko, SM Swetter, HM Blau, S Thrun nature 542 (7639), 115-118, 2017 | 14217 | 2017 |
The dynamic window approach to collision avoidance D Fox, W Burgard, S Thrun IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 4 (1), 23-33, 1997 | 4709 | 1997 |
Text classification from labeled and unlabeled documents using EM K Nigam, AK McCallum, S Thrun, T Mitchell Machine learning 39, 103-134, 2000 | 4381 | 2000 |
FastSLAM: A factored solution to the simultaneous localization and mapping problem M Montemerlo, S Thrun, D Koller, B Wegbreit Aaai/iaai 593598, 593-598, 2002 | 3961 | 2002 |
Monte carlo localization for mobile robots F Dellaert, D Fox, W Burgard, S Thrun Proceedings 1999 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation …, 1999 | 3916 | 1999 |
A guide to deep learning in healthcare A Esteva, A Robicquet, B Ramsundar, V Kuleshov, M DePristo, K Chou, ... Nature medicine 25 (1), 24-29, 2019 | 3872 | 2019 |
Stanley: The robot that won the DARPA Grand Challenge S Thrun, M Montemerlo, H Dahlkamp, D Stavens, A Aron, J Diebel, ... Journal of field Robotics 23 (9), 661-692, 2006 | 3187 | 2006 |
Robust Monte Carlo localization for mobile robots S Thrun, D Fox, W Burgard, F Dellaert Artificial intelligence 128 (1-2), 99-141, 2001 | 2752 | 2001 |
Robotic mapping: A survey S Thrun School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University 1, 1-35, 2002 | 2553 | 2002 |
Generalized-icp. A Segal, D Haehnel, S Thrun Robotics: science and systems 2 (4), 435, 2009 | 2512 | 2009 |
Learning to learn: Introduction and overview S Thrun, L Pratt Learning to learn, 3-17, 1998 | 2403 | 1998 |
Scape: shape completion and animation of people D Anguelov, P Srinivasan, D Koller, S Thrun, J Rodgers, J Davis ACM Siggraph 2005 Papers, 408-416, 2005 | 2298 | 2005 |
Experiences with an interactive museum tour-guide robot W Burgard, AB Cremers, D Fox, D Hähnel, G Lakemeyer, D Schulz, ... Artificial intelligence 114 (1-2), 3-55, 1999 | 2035 | 1999 |
Towards fully autonomous driving: Systems and algorithms J Levinson, J Askeland, J Becker, J Dolson, D Held, S Kammel, JZ Kolter, ... 2011 IEEE intelligent vehicles symposium (IV), 163-168, 2011 | 1853 | 2011 |
Learning metric-topological maps for indoor mobile robot navigation S Thrun Artificial Intelligence 99 (1), 21-71, 1998 | 1817 | 1998 |
Substrate elasticity regulates skeletal muscle stem cell self-renewal in culture PM Gilbert, KL Havenstrite, KEG Magnusson, A Sacco, NA Leonardi, ... Science 329 (5995), 1078-1081, 2010 | 1813 | 2010 |
Junior: The stanford entry in the urban challenge M Montemerlo, J Becker, S Bhat, H Dahlkamp, D Dolgov, S Ettinger, ... Journal of field Robotics 25 (9), 569-597, 2008 | 1681 | 2008 |
FastSLAM 2.0: An improved particle filtering algorithm for simultaneous localization and mapping that provably converges M Montemerlo, S Thrun, D Koller, B Wegbreit IJCAI 3 (2003), 1151-1156, 2003 | 1679 | 2003 |
Learning to track at 100 fps with deep regression networks D Held, S Thrun, S Savarese Computer Vision–ECCV 2016: 14th European Conference, Amsterdam, The …, 2016 | 1564 | 2016 |