Antonello Maruotti
Antonello Maruotti
Libera Università Maria Ss. Assunta
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене lumsa.it
The impact of urbanization on CO2 emissions: evidence from developing countries
I Martínez-Zarzoso, A Maruotti
Ecological economics 70 (7), 1344-1353, 2011
The association between nurse staffing and omissions in nursing care: A systematic review
P Griffiths, A Recio‐Saucedo, C Dall'Ora, J Briggs, A Maruotti, P Meredith, ...
Journal of advanced nursing 74 (7), 1474-1487, 2018
What impact does nursing care left undone have on patient outcomes? Review of the literature
A Recio‐Saucedo, C Dall'Ora, A Maruotti, J Ball, J Briggs, P Meredith, ...
Journal of clinical nursing 27 (11-12), 2248-2259, 2018
Nurse staffing, nursing assistants and hospital mortality: retrospective longitudinal cohort study
P Griffiths, A Maruotti, AR Saucedo, OC Redfern, JE Ball, J Briggs, ...
BMJ quality & safety 28 (8), 609-617, 2019
Nurse staffing and patient outcomes: Strengths and limitations of the evidence to inform policy and practice. A review and discussion paper based on evidence reviewed for the …
P Griffiths, J Ball, J Drennan, C Dall’Ora, J Jones, A Maruotti, C Pope, ...
International journal of nursing studies 63, 213-225, 2016
Towards an understanding of tinnitus heterogeneity
CR Cederroth, S Gallus, DA Hall, T Kleinjung, B Langguth, A Maruotti, ...
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 11, 53, 2019
University drop-out: An Italian experience
F Belloc, A Maruotti, L Petrella
Higher education 60, 127-138, 2010
Nurse staffing levels, missed vital signs and mortality in hospitals: retrospective longitudinal observational study
P Griffiths, J Ball, K Bloor, D Böhning, J Briggs, C Dall’Ora, AD Iongh, ...
Health Services and Delivery Research 6 (38), 2018
Mixed hidden markov models for longitudinal data: An overview
A Maruotti
International Statistical Review 79 (3), 427-454, 2011
Estimating the undetected infections in the Covid-19 outbreak by harnessing capture–recapture methods
D Böhning, I Rocchetti, A Maruotti, H Holling
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 97, 197-201, 2020
How individual characteristics affect university students drop-out: a semiparametric mixed-effects model for an Italian case study
F Belloc, A Maruotti, L Petrella
Journal of applied Statistics 38 (10), 2225-2239, 2011
Are long nursing shifts on hospital wards associated with sickness absence? A longitudinal retrospective observational study
C Dall’Ora, J Ball, O Redfern, A Recio‐Saucedo, A Maruotti, P Meredith, ...
Journal of Nursing Management 27 (1), 19-26, 2019
A multivariate hidden Markov model for the identification of sea regimes from incomplete skewed and circular time series
J Bulla, F Lagona, A Maruotti, M Picone
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 17, 544-567, 2012
Objective and subjective aesthetic performance of icon® treatment for enamel hypomineralization lesions in young adolescents: A retrospective single center study
M Mazur, S Westland, F Guerra, D Corridore, M Vichi, A Maruotti, ...
Journal of Dentistry 68, 104-108, 2018
Compound unimodal distributions for insurance losses
A Punzo, L Bagnato, A Maruotti
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 81, 95-107, 2018
Skew mixture models for loss distributions: a Bayesian approach
M Bernardi, A Maruotti, L Petrella
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 51 (3), 617-623, 2012
Two‐part regression models for longitudinal zero‐inflated count data
M Alfò, A Maruotti
Canadian Journal of Statistics 38 (2), 197-216, 2010
The association between nurse staffing levels and the timeliness of vital signs monitoring: a retrospective observational study in the UK
OC Redfern, P Griffiths, A Maruotti, AR Saucedo, GB Smith
BMJ open 9 (9), e032157, 2019
A mixed non‐homogeneous hidden Markov model for categorical data, with application to alcohol consumption
A Maruotti, R Rocci
Statistics in medicine 31 (9), 871-886, 2012
Predictive performance of multi-model ensemble forecasts of COVID-19 across European nations
K Sherratt, H Gruson, H Johnson, R Niehus, B Prasse, F Sandmann, ...
Elife 12, e81916, 2023
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