Jan Kučera
Jan Kučera
Nuclear Physics Institute, Husinec-Řež
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On the internal radioactivity in quartz
D Vandenberghe, F De Corte, JP Buylaert, J Kučera
Radiation Measurements 43 (2-6), 771-775, 2008
Synthetic routes contaminate graphene materials with a whole spectrum of unanticipated metallic elements
CHA Wong, Z Sofer, M Kubešová, J Kučera, S Matějková, M Pumera
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (38), 13774-13779, 2014
Trace elements in higher fungi (mushrooms) determined by activation analysis
Z Řanda, J Kučera
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 259 (1), 99-107, 2004
Review of trace elements in blood, serum and urine for the Czech and Slovak populations and critical evaluation of their possible use as reference values
J Kučera, V Bencko, E Sabbioni, MT Van der Venne
Science of the total environment 166 (1-3), 211-234, 1995
The 1993 ISO Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement applied to NAA
J Kučera, P Bode, V Stvpánek
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 245, 115-122, 2000
Pollution of agricultural crops with lanthanides, thorium and uranium studied by instrumental and radiochemical neutron activation analysis
J Kučera, J Mizera, Z Řanda, M Vávrová
Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry 271 (3), 581-587, 2007
Elemental characterization of the new Czech meteorite ‘Moravka’by neutron and photon activation analysis
Z Řanda, J Kučera, L Soukal
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 257, 275-283, 2003
Homogeneity tests and certification analyses of coal fly ash reference materials by instrumental neutron activation analysis
J Kučera, L Soukal
Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry 121 (2), 245-259, 1988
Vanadium levels in hair and blood of normal and exposed persons
J Kučera, AR Byrne, A Mravcová, J Lener
Science of the total environment 115 (3), 191-205, 1992
Jesenice—A new meteorite fall from Slovenia
A Bischoff, M Jersek, T Grau, B Mirtic, U Ott, J Kučera, M Horstmann, ...
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 46 (6), 793-804, 2011
Determination of As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Mo, Sb, and Se in biological reference materials by radiochemical neutron activation analysis
J Kučera, L Soukal
Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry 168 (1), 185-199, 1993
Mercury species in formerly contaminated soils and released soil gases
J Sysalová, J Kučera, B Drtinová, R Červenka, O Zvěřina, J Komárek, ...
Science of the Total Environment 584, 1032-1039, 2017
Was he murdered or was he not?—Part I: analyses of mercury in the remains of T ycho B rahe
KL Rasmussen, J Kučera, L Skytte, J Kameník, V Havránek, J Smolík, ...
Archaeometry 55 (6), 1187-1195, 2013
Comparison of the role of photon and neutron activation analyses for elemental characterization of geological, biological and environmental materials
Z Řanda, J Kučera, J Mizera, J Frána
Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry 271 (3), 589-596, 2007
Characterisation of synthetic multi-element standards (SMELS) used for the validation of k0-NAA
P Vermaercke, P Robouch, M Eguskiza, F De Corte, G Kennedy, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2006
Solid–water partitioning of elements in Czech freshwaters
J Veselý, V Majer, J Kučera, V Havránek
Applied geochemistry 16 (4), 437-450, 2001
Installation and calibration of Kayzero-assisted NAA in three Central European countries via a Copernicus project
F De Corte, R van Sluijs, A Simonits, J Kučera, B Smodiš, AR Byrne, ...
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 55 (3), 347-354, 2001
Problems in current procedures for establishing recommended values of trace-element levels in biological reference materials
JJM De Goeij, L Kosta, AR Byrne, J Kučera
Analytica Chimica Acta 146, 161-169, 1983
Geochemical characterization of moldavites from a new locality, the Cheb Basin, Czech Republic
Z Řanda, J Mizera, J Frána, J KuČEra
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 43 (3), 461-477, 2008
Trace element speciation in contaminated soils studied by atomic absorption spectrometry and neutron activation analysis
V Spěváčková, J Kučera
International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 35 (4), 241-251, 1989
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