Suhas Deshmukh
Suhas Deshmukh
Associate Professor, Government College of Engineering, Karad, Satara
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Modeling, analysis and PID controller implementation on double wishbone suspension using SimMechanics and Simulink
A Tandel, AR Deshpande, SP Deshmukh, KR Jagtap
Procedia Engineering 97, 1274-1281, 2014
An overview: Applications of thermal energy storage using phase change materials
S Ali, SP Deshmukh
Materials today: proceedings 26, 1231-1237, 2020
Experimental investigation of magnetic fuel conditioner (MFC) in IC engine
S Jain, S Deshmukh
IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN) 2 (7), 27-31, 2012
Optomechanical scanning systems for microstereolithography (MSL): Analysis and experimental verification
S Deshmukh, PS Gandhi
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 209 (3), 1275-1285, 2009
" On-axis" linear focused spot scanning microstereolithography system: optomechatronic Design, analysis and development
P Gandhi, S Deshmukh, R Ramtekkar, K Bhole, A Baraki
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems 12 (01), 43-68, 2013
Design and development aspects of flexure mechanism for high precision application
SB Sollapur, MS Patil, SP Deshmukh
AIP conference proceedings 1943 (1), 2018
A 2D optomechanical focused laser spot scanner: analysis and experimental results for microstereolithography
PS Gandhi, S Deshmukh
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 20 (1), 015035, 2009
Position estimator algorithm implementation on precision applications
S Sollapur, MS Patil, SP Deshmukh
Materials today: proceedings 24, 333-342, 2020
Experimental investigation of high precision XY mechanism
SB Sollapur, MS Patil, SP Deshmukh
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 9 (5), 43-50, 2018
Machining of composite materials through advance machining process
SP Deshmukh, R Shrivastava, CM Thakar
Materials Today: Proceedings 52, 1078-1081, 2022
Effect of magnetic field strength on hydrocarbon fuel viscosity and engine performance
AR Attar, P Tipole, V Bhojwani, S Deshmukh
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Applications 1 …, 2013
Improving program outcome attainments using project based learning approach for: UG course-mechatronics
AD Patange, AK Bewoor, SP Deshmukh, SS Mulik, SS Pardeshi, ...
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations 33 (1), 1-8, 2019
Novel machine health monitoring system
MS Shewale, SS Mulik, SP Deshmukh, AD Patange, HB Zambare, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Data Engineering and …, 2019
XY scanning mechanism: a dynamic approach
BS Shrishail, PD Suhas
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research 3 (4), 140, 2014
A review of energy harvesting from piezoelectric materials
SM Taware, SP Deshmukh
IOSR J. Mech. Civ. Eng.(IOSR-JMCE) 2320, 43-50, 2013
Comparative analysis of vehicle suspension system in Matlab-SIMULINK and MSc-ADAMS with the help of Quarter Car Model
SJ Chikhale, SP Deshmukh
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and …, 2013
Evaluation of stiffness and parametric modelling of XY flexure mechanism for precision applications
SB Sollpaur, MS Patil, SP Deshmukh
Journal of Modeling and Simulation of Materials 1 (1), 8-15, 2018
Fabrication of medium scale 3D components using a stereolithography system for rapid prototyping
BK Suryatal, SS Sarawade, SP Deshmukh
Journal of King Saud University-Engineering Sciences 35 (1), 40-52, 2023
A review paper on flexure
PM Waghmare, SB Sollapur, MS Patil, SP Deshmukh
International Journal for Science and Advance Research In Technology 3 (10), 2017
A review on additive manufacturing technology
GN Mhetre, VS Jadhav, SP Deshmukh, CM Thakar
ECS Transactions 107 (1), 15355, 2022
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