Общедоступные статьи - Thivaharan AlbinПодробнее...
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A study on in-cycle combustion control for gasoline controlled autoignition
B Lehrheuer, S Pischinger, M Wick, J Andert, D Berneck, D Ritter, T Albin, ...
SAE technical paper, 2016
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
Model-based control of gasoline-controlled auto-ignition
D Ritter, J Andert, D Abel, T Albin
International Journal of Engine Research 19 (2), 189-201, 2018
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
Decoupling of consecutive gasoline controlled auto-ignition combustion cycles by field programmable gate array based real-time cylinder pressure analysis
M Wick, B Lehrheuer, T Albin, J Andert, S Pischinger
International Journal of Engine Research 19 (2), 153-167, 2018
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
Autoregressive modeling of cycle-to-cycle correlations in homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion
J Andert, M Wick, B Lehrheuer, C Sohn, T Albin, S Pischinger
International Journal of Engine Research 19 (7), 790-802, 2018
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
Fuel-efficient model-based optimal MIMO control for PCCI engines
P Drews, T Albin, FJ Heßeler, N Peters, D Abel
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 12998-13003, 2011
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
Model-based optimal control for PCCI combustion engines
P Drews, T Albin, K Hoffmann, N Peters, D Abel
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 43 (7), 288-293, 2010
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
Iterative learning approach for diesel combustion control using injection rate shaping
R Zweigel, F Thelen, D Abel, T Albin
2015 European Control Conference (ECC), 3168-3173, 2015
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
Iterative learning control of a left ventricular assist device
M Ketelhut, F Schrödel, S Stemmler, J Roseveare, M Hein, J Gesenhues, ...
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 6684-6690, 2017
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
Hybrid multi-objective MPC for fuel-efficient PCCI engine control
T Albin, D Ritter, R Zweigel, D Abel
2015 European Control Conference (ECC), 2583-2588, 2015
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
Nonlinear object-oriented modeling based optimal control of the heart: Performing precise preload manipulation maneuvers using a ventricular assist device
J Gesenhues, M Hein, M Habigt, M Mechelinck, T Albin, D Abel
2016 European Control Conference (ECC), 2108-2114, 2016
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
Real-time nonlinear model predictive control for the energy management of hybrid electric vehicles in a hierarchical framework
L Schmitt, M Keller, T Albin, D Abel
2020 American Control Conference (ACC), 1961-1967, 2020
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
A 2-stage mpc approach for the cycle-to-cycle dynamics of gcai (gasoline controlled auto ignition)
T Albin, R Zweigel, F Heßeler, D Abel
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (21), 183-188, 2013
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
The potential of heat release rate and cylinder pressure feedback control for conventional and premixed charge compression ignition combustion
S Hänggi, G Moretto, T Albin, C Onder
International Journal of Engine Research 22 (9), 3080-3100, 2021
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
Optimization-based fuel injection rate digitalization for combustion rate shaping
D Ritter, M Korkmaz, H Pitsch, D Abel, T Albin
2019 American control conference (ACC), 5103-5110, 2019
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
Nonlinear mpc for combustion engine control: A parameter study for realizing real-time feasibility
T Albin, F Frank, D Ritter, D Abel, R Quirynen, M Diehl
2016 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), 311-316, 2016
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
Employing correlation clustering for the identification of piecewise affine models
AM Ivanescu, T Albin, D Abel, T Seidl
Proceedings of the 2011 workshop on Knowledge discovery, modeling and …, 2011
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
Optimal transition control between combustion modes in a Diesel-ignited gas engine
R Hutter, S Hänggi, T Albin, CH Onder
Control Engineering Practice 97, 104327, 2020
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
Actuation studies for active control of MILD combustion for gas turbine application
E Varea, S Kruse, H Pitsch, T Albin, D Abel
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 45691, V04BT04A056, 2014
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
Data-based modeling for the crank angle resolved ci combustion process
J Schilliger, N Keller, S Hänggi, T Albin, C Onder
Data Analysis for Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Combustion: From …, 2020
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
Cardiac modeling: identification of subject specific left-ventricular isovolumic pressure curves
J Gesenhues, M Hein, T Albin, R Rossaint, D Abel
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (20), 581-586, 2015
Финансирование: German Research Foundation
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