Aragon Institute for Engineering Research-I3A. Mech. Eng. Department. Universidad de Zaragoza
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A review on CO2 mitigation in the Iron and Steel industry through Power to X processes
M Bailera, P Lisbona, B Peña, LM Romeo
Journal of CO2 Utilization 46, 101456, 2021
Stability of Turing patterns in the Brusselator model
B Pena, C Perez-Garcia
Physical review E 64 (5), 056213, 2001
Coal flame characterization by means of digital image processing in a semi-industrial scale PF swirl burner
A González-Cencerrado, B Peña, A Gil
Applied energy 94, 375-384, 2012
Monitoring of drilling for burr detection using spindle torque
B Peña, G Aramendi, A Rivero, LNL de Lacalle
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 45 (14), 1614-1621, 2005
Integration of carbon capture technologies in blast furnace based steel making: A comprehensive and systematic review
J Perpiñán, B Peña, M Bailera, V Eveloy, P Kannan, A Raj, P Lisbona, ...
Fuel 336, 127074, 2023
Soft-computing models for soot-blowing optimization in coal-fired utility boilers
B Peña, E Teruel, LI Díez
Applied Soft Computing 11 (2), 1657-1668, 2011
Decision-making methodology for managing photovoltaic surplus electricity through Power to Gas: Combined heat and power in urban buildings
M Bailera, B Peña, P Lisbona, LM Romeo
Applied energy 228, 1032-1045, 2018
Characterization of PF flames under different swirl conditions based on visualization systems
A González-Cencerrado, A Gil, B Peña
Fuel 113, 798-809, 2013
Non-stoichiometric methanation as strategy to overcome the limitations of green hydrogen injection into the natural gas grid
LM Romeo, M Cavana, M Bailera, P Leone, B Peña, P Lisbona
Applied Energy 309, 118462, 2022
Investigation on co-firing of coal mine waste residues in pulverized coal combustion systems
J Pallarés, C Herce, C Bartolomé, B Peña
Energy 140, 58-68, 2017
Transverse instabilities in chemical Turing patterns of stripes
B Pena, C Pérez-García, A Sanz-Anchelergues, DG Míguez, AP Munuzuri
Physical Review E 68 (5), 056206, 2003
Selection and competition of Turing patterns
B Pena, C Perez-Garcia
Europhysics Letters 51 (3), 300, 2000
Experimental analysis of biomass co-firing flames in a pulverized fuel swirl burner using a CCD based visualization system
A González-Cencerrado, B Peña, A Gil
Fuel Processing Technology 130, 299-310, 2015
Towards soot-blowing optimization in superheaters
B Peña, E Teruel, LI Díez
Applied thermal engineering 61 (2), 737-746, 2013
Renewable energy sources and power-to-gas aided cogeneration for non-residential buildings
M Bailera, P Lisbona, E Llera, B Peña, LM Romeo
Energy 181, 226-238, 2019
Technical and economic assessment of iron and steelmaking decarbonization via power to gas and amine scrubbing
J Perpiñán, M Bailera, B Peña, LM Romeo, V Eveloy
Energy 276, 127616, 2023
Experiencia piloto de aula invertida para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la asignatura de Termodinámica Técnica
B Peña, I Zabalza, S Usón, EM Llera, A Martínez, LM Romeo
In-Red 2017. III Congreso Nacional de innovación educativa y de docencia en …, 2017
Analysis of thermal resistance evolution of ash deposits during co-firing of coal with biomass and coal mine waste residues
B Peña, C Bartolomé, A Gil
Fuel 194, 357-367, 2017
High oxygen and SNG injection in blast furnace ironmaking with power to gas integration and CO2 recycling
J Perpiñán, M Bailera, B Peña, LM Romeo, V Eveloy
Journal of Cleaner Production 405, 137001, 2023
Energy storage
M Bailera, P Lisbona, B Peña, LM Romeo
Springer International Publishing, 2020
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