Comparison and ranking of different modelling techniques for prediction of site index in Mediterranean mountain forests W Aertsen, V Kint, J Van Orshoven, K Özkan, B Muys Ecological modelling 221 (8), 1119-1130, 2010 | 510 | 2010 |
Methods to optimise the design and management of biomass-for-bioenergy supply chains: A review A De Meyer, D Cattrysse, J Rasinmäki, J Van Orshoven Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 31, 657-670, 2014 | 397 | 2014 |
Comparing multiple criteria decision methods to extend a geographical information system on afforestation S Gilliams, D Raymaekers, B Muys, J Van Orshoven Computers and electronics in agriculture 49 (1), 142-158, 2005 | 193 | 2005 |
Functional evaluation of pedotransfer functions for the estimation of soil hydraulic properties H Vereecken, J Diels, J Van Orshoven, J Feyen, J Bouma Soil Science Society of America Journal 56 (5), 1371-1378, 1992 | 190 | 1992 |
Global mapping of Jatropha curcas yield based on response of fitness to present and future climate A Trabucco, WMJ Achten, C Bowe, RAF Aerts, JV Orshoven, L Norgrove, ... Gcb Bioenergy 2 (3), 139-151, 2010 | 184 | 2010 |
Soil organic carbon changes in landscape units of Belgium between 1960 and 2000 with reference to 1990 S Lettens, JOS Van Orshoven, BAS Van Wesemael, B Muys, D Perrin Global Change Biology 11 (12), 2128-2140, 2005 | 180 | 2005 |
Stocks and fluxes of soil organic carbon for landscape units in Belgium derived from heterogeneous data sets for 1990 and 2000 S Lettens, J Van Orshoven, B van Wesemael, B De Vos, B Muys Geoderma 127 (1-2), 11-23, 2005 | 137 | 2005 |
Ecosystem services: a useful concept for soil policy making! AM Breure, GB De Deyn, E Dominati, T Eglin, K Hedlund, J Van Orshoven, ... Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 4 (5), 578-585, 2012 | 136 | 2012 |
A generic mathematical model to optimise strategic and tactical decisions in biomass-based supply chains (OPTIMASS) A De Meyer, D Cattrysse, J Van Orshoven European Journal of Operational Research 245 (1), 247-264, 2015 | 135 | 2015 |
Soil organic and inorganic carbon contents of landscape units in Belgium derived using data from 1950 to 1970 S Lettens, J Van Orshoven, B van Wesemael, B Muys Soil Use and Management 20 (1), 40-47, 2004 | 122 | 2004 |
Monitoring solute transport in a multi‐layered sandy lysimeter using time domain reflectometry M Vanclooster, D Mallants, J Vanderborght, J Diels, J Van Orshoven, ... Soil Science Society of America Journal 59 (2), 337-344, 1995 | 122 | 1995 |
Sub-pixel classification of SPOT-VEGETATION time series for the assessment of regional crop areas in Belgium S Verbeiren, H Eerens, I Piccard, I Bauwens, J Van Orshoven International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 10 (4 …, 2008 | 120 | 2008 |
Variable carbon recovery of Walkley‐Black analysis and implications for national soil organic carbon accounting S Lettens, B De Vos, P Quataert, B Van Wesemael, B Muys, ... European Journal of Soil Science 58 (6), 1244-1253, 2007 | 109 | 2007 |
Evaluation of modelling techniques for forest site productivity prediction in contrasting ecoregions using stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis (SMAA) W Aertsen, V Kint, J Van Orshoven, B Muys Environmental Modelling & Software 26 (7), 929-937, 2011 | 105 | 2011 |
Contrasting collective preferences for outdoor recreation and substitutability of nature areas using hot spot mapping J De Valck, S Broekx, I Liekens, L De Nocker, J Van Orshoven, L Vranken Landscape and Urban Planning 151, 64-78, 2016 | 99 | 2016 |
Digital technologies for forest supply chain optimization: existing solutions and future trends J Scholz, A De Meyer, AS Marques, TM Pinho, J Boaventura-Cunha, ... Environmental Management 62, 1108-1133, 2018 | 96 | 2018 |
A time series processing tool to extract climate-driven interannual vegetation dynamics using ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) P Hawinkel, E Swinnen, S Lhermitte, B Verbist, J Van Orshoven, B Muys Remote Sensing of Environment 169, 375-389, 2015 | 93 | 2015 |
Assessing soil organic carbon stocks under current and potential forest cover using digital soil mapping and spatial generalisation S Ottoy, B De Vos, A Sindayihebura, M Hermy, J Van Orshoven Ecological indicators 77, 139-150, 2017 | 92 | 2017 |
Vegetation response to precipitation variability in East Africa controlled by biogeographical factors P Hawinkel, W Thiery, S Lhermitte, E Swinnen, B Verbist, J Van Orshoven, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 121 (9), 2422-2444, 2016 | 90 | 2016 |
A Network Perspective on Spatial Data Infrastructures: Application to the Sub‐national SDI of Flanders (Belgium) D Vandenbroucke, J Crompvoets, G Vancauwenberghe, E Dessers, ... Transactions in GIS 13, 105-122, 2009 | 89 | 2009 |