Общедоступные статьи - Stuart C. Ray, M.D.Подробнее...
82 статьи доступны в некоторых источниках
Spontaneous control of primary hepatitis C virus infection and immunity against persistent reinfection
WO Osburn, BE Fisher, KA Dowd, G Urban, L Liu, SC Ray, DL Thomas, ...
Gastroenterology 138 (1), 315-324, 2010
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Human immunodeficiency virus-related microbial translocation and progression of hepatitis C
A Balagopal, FH Philp, J Astemborski, TM Block, A Mehta, R Long, ...
Gastroenterology 135 (1), 226-233, 2008
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Clearance of hepatitis C infection is associated with the early appearance of broad neutralizing antibody responses
WO Osburn, AE Snider, BL Wells, R Latanich, JR Bailey, DL Thomas, ...
Hepatology 59 (6), 2140-2151, 2014
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Selection pressure from neutralizing antibodies drives sequence evolution during acute infection with hepatitis C virus
KA Dowd, DM Netski, XH Wang, AL Cox, SC Ray
Gastroenterology 136 (7), 2377-2386, 2009
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Expanded cellular clones carrying replication-competent HIV-1 persist, wax, and wane
Z Wang, EE Gurule, TP Brennan, JM Gerold, KJ Kwon, NN Hosmane, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (11), E2575-E2584, 2018
Финансирование: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, Howard …
The role of viral introductions in sustaining community-based HIV epidemics in rural Uganda: evidence from spatial clustering, phylogenetics, and egocentric transmission models
MK Grabowski, J Lessler, AD Redd, J Kagaayi, O Laeyendecker, ...
PLoS medicine 11 (3), e1001610, 2014
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
High-programmed death-1 levels on hepatitis C virus-specific T cells during acute infection are associated with viral persistence and require preservation of cognate antigen …
A Rutebemberwa, SC Ray, J Astemborski, J Levine, L Liu, KA Dowd, ...
The Journal of Immunology 181 (12), 8215-8225, 2008
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Control of HIV-1 in elite suppressors despite ongoing replication and evolution in plasma virus
KA O'Connell, TP Brennan, JR Bailey, SC Ray, RF Siliciano, JN Blankson
Journal of virology 84 (14), 7018-7028, 2010
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Broadly neutralizing antibodies with few somatic mutations and hepatitis C virus clearance
JR Bailey, AI Flyak, VJ Cohen, H Li, LN Wasilewski, AE Snider, S Wang, ...
JCI insight 2 (9), e92872, 2017
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Transmission of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 from a patient who developed AIDS to an elite suppressor
JR Bailey, K O'Connell, HC Yang, Y Han, J Xu, B Jilek, TM Williams, ...
Journal of virology 82 (15), 7395-7410, 2008
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Analysis of genetic linkage of HIV from couples enrolled in the HIV Prevention Trials Network 052 trial
SH Eshleman, SE Hudelson, AD Redd, L Wang, R Debes, YQ Chen, ...
The Journal of infectious diseases 204 (12), 1918-1926, 2011
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Durable SARS-CoV-2 B cell immunity after mild or severe disease
CO Ogega, NE Skinner, PW Blair, HS Park, K Littlefield, A Ganesan, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 131 (7), 2021
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Comprehensive genetic and epigenetic analysis of occult hepatitis B from liver tissue samples
P Vivekanandan, R Kannangai, SC Ray, DL Thomas, M Torbenson
Clinical infectious diseases 46 (8), 1227-1236, 2008
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Acceleration of hepatitis C virus envelope evolution in humans is consistent with progressive humoral immune selection during the transition from acute to chronic infection
L Liu, BE Fisher, KA Dowd, J Astemborski, AL Cox, SC Ray
Journal of virology 84 (10), 5067-5077, 2010
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
IgM anti-ACE2 autoantibodies in severe COVID-19 activate complement and perturb vascular endothelial function
L Casciola-Rosen, DR Thiemann, F Andrade, MI Trejo-Zambrano, ...
JCI insight 7 (9), e158362, 2022
Финансирование: US National Science Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, US National …
Naturally selected hepatitis C virus polymorphisms confer broad neutralizing antibody resistance
JR Bailey, LN Wasilewski, AE Snider, R El-Diwany, WO Osburn, Z Keck, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 125 (1), 437-447, 2015
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Broadly neutralizing antibody mediated clearance of human hepatitis C virus infection
VJ Kinchen, MN Zahid, AI Flyak, MG Soliman, GH Learn, S Wang, ...
Cell host & microbe 24 (5), 717-730. e5, 2018
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Spontaneous clearance of primary acute hepatitis C virus infection correlated with high initial viral RNA level and rapid HVR1 evolution
L Liu, BE Fisher, DL Thomas, AL Cox, SC Ray
Hepatology, 2012
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Use of laser capture microdissection to map hepatitis C virus–positive hepatocytes in human liver
AJ Kandathil, F Graw, J Quinn, HS Hwang, M Torbenson, AS Perelson, ...
Gastroenterology 145 (6), 1404-1413. e10, 2013
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Hepatitis C virus infection of neuroepithelioma cell lines
NF Fletcher, JP Yang, MJ Farquhar, K Hu, C Davis, Q He, K Dowd, ...
Gastroenterology 139 (4), 1365-1374. e2, 2010
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
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