Ana B. Escrig-Tena
Ana B. Escrig-Tena
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене uji.es
An empirical assessment of the EFQM Excellence Model: Evaluation as a TQM framework relative to the MBNQA Model
JC Bou-Llusar, AB Escrig-Tena, V Roca-Puig, I Beltrán-Martín
Journal of operations management 27 (1), 1-22, 2009
Human resource flexibility as a mediating variable between high performance work systems and performance
I Beltrán-Martín, V Roca-Puig, A Escrig-Tena, JC Bou-Llusar
Journal of Management 34 (5), 1009-1044, 2008
Measuring the relationship between firm perceived quality and customer satisfaction and its influence on purchase intentions
JC Bou-Llusar, C Camisón-Zornoza, AB Escrig-Tena
Total quality management 12 (6), 719-734, 2001
To what extent do enablers explain results in the EFQM excellence model? An empirical study
J Carlos Bou‐Llusar, AB Escrig‐Tena, V Roca‐Puig, I Beltrán‐Martín
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 22 (4), 337-353, 2005
TQM as a competitive factor: A theoretical and empirical analysis
A Belén Escrig‐Tena
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 21 (6), 612-637, 2004
Measuring the relationship between total quality management and sustainable competitive advantage: A resource-based view
ABE Tena, JCB Llusar, VR Puig
Total quality management 12 (7-8), 932-938, 2001
The impact of hard and soft quality management and proactive behaviour in determining innovation performance
AB Escrig-Tena, M Segarra-Ciprés, B García-Juan, I Beltrán-Martín
International Journal of Production Economics 200, 1-14, 2018
A model for evaluating organizational competencies: An application in the context of a quality management initiative
AB Escrig‐Tena, JC Bou‐Llusar
Decision Sciences 36 (2), 221-257, 2005
The relationship between high performance work systems and employee proactive behaviour: role breadth self‐efficacy and flexible role orientation as mediating mechanisms
I Beltrán‐Martín, JC Bou‐Llusar, V Roca‐Puig, AB Escrig‐Tena
Human Resource Management Journal 27 (3), 403-422, 2017
What characterizes leading companies within business excellence models? An analysis of “EFQM Recognized for Excellence” recipients in Spain
AB Escrig, LM de Menezes
International Journal of Production Economics 169, 362-375, 2015
Employees’ proactive behavior and innovation performance: Examining the moderating role of informal and formal controls
M Segarra-Ciprés, A Escrig-Tena, B García-Juan
European Journal of Innovation Management 22 (5), 866-888, 2019
Understanding employees’ intrapreneurial behavior: a case study
GA Badoiu, M Segarra-Ciprés, AB Escrig-Tena
Personnel Review 49 (8), 1677-1694, 2020
The empowerment–organizational performance link in local governments
B García-Juan, AB Escrig-Tena, V Roca-Puig
Personnel Review 48 (1), 118-140, 2019
Strategic flexibility as a moderator of the relationship between commitment to employees and performance in service firms
V Roca-Puig, I Beltrán-Martín, AB Escrig-Tena, JC Bou-Llusar
The international journal of human resource management 16 (11), 2075-2093, 2005
External and internal labour flexibility in Spain: a substitute or complementary effect on firm performance?
V Roca-Puig, I Beltrán-Martín, JC Bou-Llusar, AB Escrig-Tena
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 19 (6), 1131-1151, 2008
Internal labour flexibility from a resource-based view approach: definition and proposal of a measurement scale
I Beltrán-Martín, V Roca-Puig, A Escrig-Tena, JC Bou-Llusar
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 20 (7), 1576-1598, 2009
Drivers and internalisation of the EFQM excellence model
AB Escrig-Tena, B Garcia-Juan, M Segarra-Ciprés
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 36 (3), 398-419, 2019
Single‐and multiple‐informant research designs to examine the human resource management− performance relationship
JC Bou‐Llusar, I Beltrán‐Martín, V Roca‐Puig, AB Escrig‐Tena
British Journal of Management 27 (3), 646-668, 2016
Managing performance in quality management: A two-level study of employee perceptions and workplace performance
LM De Menezes, AB Escrig
International journal of operations & production management 39 (11), 1226-1259, 2019
What is the effect of size on the use of the EFQM excellence model?
AB Escrig, LM de Menezes
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 36 (12), 1800-1820, 2016
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