Jianguo (Jeff) Xia
Jianguo (Jeff) Xia
Associate Professor & Canada Research Chair, McGill University
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MetaboAnalyst 4.0: towards more transparent and integrative metabolomics analysis
J Chong, O Soufan, C Li, I Caraus, S Li, G Bourque, DS Wishart, J Xia
Nucleic Acids Research (doi: 10.1093/nar/gky310), 2018
MetaboAnalyst 5.0: narrowing the gap between raw spectra and functional insights
Z Pang, J Chong, G Zhou, D Morais, L Chang, M Barrette, C Gauthier, ...
Nucleic Acids Research (10.1093/nar/gkab382), 2021
HMDB 3.0—the human metabolome database in 2013
DS Wishart, T Jewison, AC Guo, M Wilson, C Knox, Y Liu, Y Djoumbou, ...
Nucleic acids research 41 (D1), D801-D807, 2012
MetaboAnalyst 3.0—making metabolomics more meaningful
J Xia, IV Sinelnikov, B Han, DS Wishart
Nucleic acids research 43 (W1), W251-W257, 2015
MetaboAnalyst: a web server for metabolomic data analysis and interpretation
J Xia, N Psychogios, N Young, DS Wishart
Nucleic acids research 37 (suppl_2), W652-W660, 2009
HMDB: a knowledgebase for the human metabolome
DS Wishart, C Knox, AC Guo, R Eisner, N Young, B Gautam, DD Hau, ...
Nucleic acids research 37 (suppl_1), D603-D610, 2009
Using MetaboAnalyst 4.0 for Comprehensive and Integrative Metabolomics Data Analysis
J Chong, DS Wishart, J Xia
Current Protocols in Bioinformatics 68 (e86), 1-128, 2019
The human serum metabolome
N Psychogios, DD Hau, J Peng, AC Guo, R Mandal, S Bouatra, ...
PloS one 6 (2), e16957, 2011
MicrobiomeAnalyst: a web-based tool for comprehensive statistical, visual and meta-analysis of microbiome data
A Dhariwal, J Chong, S Habib, IL King, LB Agellon, J Xia
Nucleic Acids Research, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx295, 2017
Using MetaboAnalyst 3.0 for comprehensive metabolomics data analysis
J Xia, DS Wishart
Current protocols in bioinformatics 55 (1), 14.10. 1-14.10. 91, 2016
NetworkAnalyst 3.0: a visual analytics platform for comprehensive gene expression profiling and meta-analysis
G Zhou, O Soufan, J Ewald, REW Hancock, N Basu, J Xia
Nucleic Acids Research (doi: 10.1093/nar/gkz240), 2019
Using MicrobiomeAnalyst for comprehensive statistical, functional, and meta-analysis of microbiome data
J Chong, P Liu, G Zhou, J Xia
Nature Protocols 15, 799–821, 2020
MetaboAnalyst 2.0—a comprehensive server for metabolomic data analysis
J Xia, R Mandal, IV Sinelnikov, D Broadhurst, DS Wishart
Nucleic acids research 40 (W1), W127-W133, 2012
Web-based inference of biological patterns, functions and pathways from metabolomic data using MetaboAnalyst
J Xia, DS Wishart
Nature protocols 6 (6), 743-760, 2011
Translational biomarker discovery in clinical metabolomics: an introductory tutorial
J Xia, DI Broadhurst, M Wilson, DS Wishart
Metabolomics 9, 280-299, 2013
Using MetaboAnalyst 5.0 for LC–HRMS spectra processing, multi-omics integration and covariate adjustment of global metabolomics data
Z Pang, G Zhou, J Ewald, L Chang, O Hacariz, N Basu, J Xia
Nature Protocols, (10.1038/s41596-022-00710-w), 2022
NetworkAnalyst for statistical, visual and network-based meta-analysis of gene expression data
J Xia, EE Gill, REW Hancock
Nature protocols 10 (6), 823-844, 2015
MetPA: a web-based metabolomics tool for pathway analysis and visualization
J Xia, DS Wishart
Bioinformatics 26 (18), 2342-2344, 2010
MSEA: a web-based tool to identify biologically meaningful patterns in quantitative metabolomic data
J Xia, DS Wishart
Nucleic acids research 38 (suppl_2), W71-W77, 2010
miRNet 2.0: network-based visual analytics for miRNA functional analysis and systems biology
L Chang, G Zhou, O Soufan, J Xia
Nucleic Acids Research (10.1093/nar/gkaa467), 2020
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